All Our Firsts

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I don't want another pretty face

I don't want just anyone to hold

He put on dull brown colored contact lenses and combed a nerdy center parting down his dyed head of boring dirty blonde hair. Atop his nose, he placed a thick pair of degreeless round spectacles. He smoothed his shirt and pulled his jeans just a bit higher. He swiped his heavy backpack off the floor and pulled his hands through the straps, hitching it right up to his shoulders. Looking at his own reflection in the mirror, he could not recognize himself.

Gone was the handsome and enigmatic eldest son of the Duke of Somerset. In his place, stood a nerdy, unimpressive and entirely normal teenager.

Lisa stood in the corner of the darkening room, silently observing the many couples swaying slowly to the slow song. It is perhaps, on Valentine's Day, that the loneliness haunts more acutely. She squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep out this reminder of lost happiness, trying to keep out the hurt of remembrance, trying to keep out the pain of firsts.

All our firsts.

I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul.

The first time we met...

She stuffed some of her books into the locker and rested her back against it to rearrange those left in her arms. When she looked up, a figure leaning against the wall, not far to my left caught her eye.

He was alone and he looked unfamiliar to me. His eyes were fixed on his schedule, and his eyebrows creased together in thought and confusion. Feeling her eyes on him, he looked up and regarded her.

Feeling slightly embarrassed at being caught staring, She swiftly averted her eyes and pretended to be busy arranging the books. When she ventured a look at him again, he lifted his head at the same time to look at her. It was not so much at being caught a second time, but his raised eyebrow and amused smirk did it. Flustered, She turned her head too quickly and received a smash in the face when the locker beside her flew open.

Talk about perfect timing.

Dropping her books onto the floor and lifting a hand to nurse the bruised nose, She heard a distinct snicker in front of me. With the distraction of a stinging nose, she failed to see him approach.

When she slowly cracked her eyes open, he stood beside her innocently and gave her a big smile showing nearly every single stretch of his braces.

" about you show me around the school."

"Yeah, nose is so bright, just follow it."

You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold.

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