2. a rainy day

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the next day, it's raining.

renjun knows there's no heading outside today as he gazes out the window curiously down into the empty town he  called home. he doesn't usually have the blinds up because of the sun being bothersome, but today is an exception since the sun is nowhere to be seen at the moment.

"the rain is so beautiful," came mrs. na's voice as she moved around the room, picking up clothes from the floor. she had just turned one hundred-and-ninety-one years old recently and appeared more older than before, her long, white, thinning hair never in a bun anymore.

"it's alright," renjun says with a shrug.

"¿está bien?" she says with slightly surprise. "it's wonderful!"

"i've never liked it much, mrs. na," the much younger vampire admits. "i'm not a fan of getting wet in the rain."

"ay chico," mrs. na shakes her head with a smile on her wrinkly face. "when i was much, much younger, una niña pequeña, i loved being in the rain. i would even dance in it... but i'm too old to do much these days."

renjun turned his head around to face her at those words, unable to remain sitting around after seeing her slowly reach down to reach more clothes to put in the laundry basket. he walked over and told her to go rest and he'll do the rest. the old woman seemed grateful before walking out of the room.

he smiled at her retreating back before moving around the room, picking up clothes off of the floor. renjun knew this room could be a lot more neater than it appeared. jaemin was out doing what would be mrs. na's job of getting them animal blood, and jeno decided to tag along with him. renjun had a feeling he should've came to just in case they got on each other's nerves again, but it was too late now.

besides, he's staying out of the rain for now.

meanwhile, out the main part of the city, is a off-duty police officer walking along the sidewalk with an umbrella, not sure where exactly he was even going as he walked upon the sidewalk. perhaps yuta was walking to clear his mind at the moment.

being thoughtless was something yuta wanted to achieve. no thoughts, head empty. that sounded nice. though, admittedly, the police officer was having a hard time seeing properly as the rainfall got thicker, the sound of rain drops hitting against his umbrella getting louder and much more frequent, with it being one after another.

other than that, the day is generally peaceful. until yuta turns his head and sees two guys baring down on someone. one had their fist raised, looking ready to beat the person who was outnumbered and pressed against the wall, lifting up his arm to shield his face.

"we know what you are," the second guy hissed, swinging his foot, which hit the man who was against the wall. he let out a low groan, unable to meet his eyes as he said those words. "you fucking piece of filth."

the other looked ready to lower his fist down onto the defenceless man and that's when yuta had enough. protecting others was his job, a job he was definitely devoted to.

"leave him alone," he says, making sure to sound authoritative. the two baring down on the third turn their heads in his direction, not looking the slightest bit fazed at his appearance. yuta wasn't wearing his uniform, so that definitely played into it.

"why should we?" the second growled. "this is none of your business."

"actually, it is, if it involves hurting a citizen," yuta hisses. "back off."

the first guy moves toward him and yuta reacts quickly, closing his umbrella as quick as he could and stabbing the tip into his stomach, making the man gasp in pain and take a few steps back in surprise.

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