8. afterwards

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jeno doesn't scream. his look of anger merely disappears off his face, a look of utter disbelief taking over. but, jaemin, on the other hand, had more of a reaction.

eyes flashing red, and fangs bared, he turned to stare at the man to happily attempt to lay a hand on him, but he had already ran off. well, it gave jaemin time to focus on his boyfriend.

jeno had placed a hand on where the deep slash was, blood seeping through his fingers and staining his shirt and pants. "w-what...."

"you were slashed," jaemin said quietly, his hands finding their way onto him, avoiding exactly where it most likely hurt the most. "c'mon, mrs. na needs to cover that up...."

vampire blood was not an attractive smell yet it was strong, making jaemin's nose scrunch up in reaction. something they developed to keep them from feeding off each other.

"yeah, i need to," jeno still seemed dazed before a look of the upmost pain overtakes his face. "holy shit..." he slowly pulled his hand away, seeing the very dark red blood that stained it.

"let's get back, nono," jaemin urged him. it took awhile with jeno stumbling around, his face twisted in pain.

when they entered, mrs. na was the first to greet them and nearly screamed at the sight. that just brought renjun over, his hands over his sensitive ears, to see the sight of jeno bleeding too and look rather faint, also clearly not used to the unappealing smell of vampire blood. a lot of it.

"got shanked," jeno says indifferently. still, rather than panicking over being severely injured, he came off as dazed and out of it.

after awhile, with several bandages rolled onto him to cover up all the bleeding, jeno was out for the rest of the day. renjun left yua with mrs. na, too worried over jeno to properly keep an eye on her. she whined about not having his attention but she eventually understood.

it was nearly night now, renjun still keeping a close eye on the other resting vampire. he was breathing normally, thankfully. he knew it would take a lot to kill a vampire successfully (he thought back to hayoon without wanting to) but he still couldn't help but think of the worst.

door opens. "jun."

"jae!" renjun burst out, standing up out the chair he had moved next to the bed, pulling the other into a tight hug. his cheeks were dry with tears.

jaemin returned it, patting his boyfriend's back comfortingly. "jeno is still asleep, right?"

"yeah," renjun pulled away slightly, sniffing. "what even happened — ?"

"in the forest," jaemin starts in a whisper. "a guy came up and started talking bad at you. jeno looked as if he was going to flip but he couldn't do anything before the man slashed his stomach open...."

"the same guy from yesterday?" renjun says, his voice barely heard.

"yes, i assume so," jaemin told him. "that's another thing to worry about! what if he comes back?"

"i thought he would've screwed off, but i guess not," renjun frowns, wiping tears from his eyes. "why would he even be snooping around in the forest, anyways?"

"i wouldn't know," jaemin whispered. "i really couldn't tell you, jun."

just then, their conversation stopped when yua wondered into the room, making a beeline for the two. "renjun! jaemin!"

"oh," renjun looked down at the little vampire. "what's up, yua?"

"i'm bored," she said. renjun's head instantly perked up hearing jeno's sleeping position shift on the bed, his head snapping around to look at him. jeno was still out, though he was laying on his other side, facing where renjun and jaemin stood.

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