3. a small child

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"oh!" renjun says, his heart swelling. "get in here, it's much warmer."

the little girl is slow on her feet but soon she's inside, renjun quickly closing the door behind her. she's got long black hair and noticeable big, black eyes. she's also just as pale as renjun is. another vampire.

now he wonders — who left a child outside on her own out in the cold? renjun frowns at the thought before kneeling down to level himself with the much smaller vampire, who was letting out little sniffs.

"where are your parents?" he asks softly.

"i don' know," she answers, letting out yet another sniff. her nose was runny with snot.

"oh, well, we'll wait for them, alright?" renjun told her, giving her a comforting smile. she nods, wiping her snotty nose again with her small hand. "you'll need a tissue so you won't get your hands all messy."

he stands up, telling her to stay there and he'll be right back. then, he turns on his heel and hurries up the staircase, turning and heading into the eating area. renjun thought he saw mrs. na leave tissues in here the other day, his eyes narrowing as he tried to look for them. he had gotten onto his knees to look in a cabinet when he hears someone walk into the area with his newfound sharp hearing.

"jun? what're you looking for?" jeno asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes. renjun turned his head, surprised to see him. usually it's jaemin who catches him awake before everyone else, not jeno, who prefers to sleep in almost every day.

"er — tissues," renjun answers honestly.

"for what?" jeno asks curiously as he walks over to grab something way above renjun's head. when renjun is at his full height again, jeno gives him the tissue box.

"how did not see that?" renjun questions, looking up with furrowed eyebrows.

"look up next time," jeno said simply. "plus, you're adorably short. i don't think you would've been able to reach them."

"watch it, nono," renjun frowns, lightly pushing him away, jeno just laughing in reaction. "anyways, thanks."

"you never told me why you need them," jeno says once renjun moves to leave the room and head down the staircase. he curiously follows after him.

what's the point in lying here? renjun doesn't showcase his talent here, telling him, "i found a kid outside in the cold. she has a runny nose."

"a kid?" jeno says in disbelief as the two of them walk down the stairs. "just out there?"

"yeah, she doesn't know where her parents went," renjun informs him with another frown on his face. jeno oddly goes stiff at those words, his frown tightening.

"oh really?"

"yeah," renjun nodded. "i don't know how someone could just leave their kids alone like that...."

"my parents could," jeno hisses under his breath, but those words don't reach renjun's ears whatsoever.

sure enough, the little girl is still waiting there, her nose running more than ever. now her black eyes were noticeably teary. jeno did a double take when he noticed her appearance.

"i'm cold," she whined.

"shh, it's okay," renjun cooed, pulling out a tissue and wiping the girl's nose for her. "i'll give you a blanket inside."

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