7. weirdness

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it was dark out.

winwin looked out the window, watching the lack of life down below. he wanted to think of something else, but his mind kept coming back to officer nakamoto. why is that?

maybe it's because he keeps showing up at the perfect times to help him. he even went out of his way to punch the crap out of kwan despite having a broken finger. perhaps winwin just doesn't get people most of the time — it feels like he can't read yuta and find the actual reason. the whole 'saving people' or whatever he told the vampire felt like utter bullshit to him.

who actually helps people like him? who actually wants to get beat up just to protect someone else? what does yuta even get out of that? winwin doesn't want to ponder on it. so, he doesn't. it's not remotely a big deal anyways. he has other things to worry about.

then, there's a banging on his room's door and winwin's head snaps in direction of it, frowning. "what?"

"you didn't bring those filths around again, win, i'm surprised!" it's winwin fellow vampire neighbour, nabi.

in fact, he lived in an entire little building full of them, actually. it was a way of keeping everyone safe from people like kwan and geun. they always helped each other out, but winwin preferred not to engage with them most of the time. being alone was something he had grown used to and developed a preference for.

people like kwan and geun were caller 'filths.' they were anyone who didn't like vampires because of the whole drinking blood thing. excluding that vampire that went around attacking people. everyone who lived in the building pretty much disowned her.

"yeah, of course i didn't," winwin says, turning his eyes back towards the window.

"did someone help you again?" nabi asks at the top of her lungs just to be heard.

"yeah, the officer showed up," winwin admits and there's a loud giggle from nabi.

"he's your knight in shining armour, isn't he?" she says, her voice full of amusement.

"shut up," winwin snaps and nabi leaves at that. good for him. he wants to be alone and not think about officer nakamoto at the moment.

he doesn't even want to bump into him again, either. especially not when he's sporting another bloody nose. sure, winwin has a great ability of controlling himself, but that doesn't mean he can't admit yuta's blood smelt good at the worse time.

"no, don't think about him," winwin hisses under his breath, trying to force himself to focus on the land below, but the face of nakamoto yuta keeps finding its way into his mind.


yua didn't wake at all when renjun finally got home. he immediately hushed his boyfriends when they arrived so he was able to keep her asleep as he tucked her in on her bed couch before launching into a retelling of what happened to them.

as expected, jaemin looked worried and jeno looked pissed, rolling up his sleeves.

"i scared him by saying a lot of vampires live here," renjun said quickly, placing a hand on jeno's chest. "i bet he won't come back."

"it's weird though," jaemin said thoughtfully. "no one else lives here but us and that other guy. it's practically a ghost town. why would someone come here?"

"well, i don't know but i don't want anyone like talking like that to either of you," jeno hisses.

"don't beat them up, now," jaemin was quick to say.

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