16. another attack

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kwan traced the gun with a finger, a frown on his face. sure, he killed the female vampire, but he let the other monster get away with one single nonfatal injury that definitely didn't kill him. one vampire dead didn't feel like enough.

"kwan, what's wrong?" geun asks, placing his hands on the armrest of the couch that kwan was leaning against, his eyes firmly on the weapon in his hand. "i'm really happy because we managed to kill a vampire finally! you were so cool, killing her with that headshot — "

"it's not enough!" kwan snaps at him and geun's happy smile is wiped from his face. "one is not nearly enough to get pay back for my brother, geun. you know that."

"i'm sorry," geun quickly says. "i just thought that was cool and and, i guess...."

"oh, no, it definitely is cool," kwan feels the need to let geun inflate his ego more. he'll take any chance for geun to praise him, worship the ground he walks on. "but, i wanted to kill the other monster. i should've kept shooting instead of stopping once he started running. but i have shit aim."

"no, your aim is amazing," geun says with a big smile. "way better than mine."

"sure," kwan pats his head with the gun and geun's eyes close contently, like he was some obedient dog. "well, i have more to kill. if i kill more, maybe get rid of all the vampires in this entire city, maybe he'll be interested in me or at least impressed by me."

"who are you talking about?" geun's eyes open again as he tilts his head to the side. geun just didn't watch on to things all that quick, did he?

"hendery, obviously," kwan snaps before smiling. "sorry, it's just... he's the reason i even started to consider getting revenge for hyuk. he's perfect."

"he's perfect..." geun's voice trails off.

"yes, of course he is," kwan goes on. "you think i would've figured out how to kill a vampire if it wasn't for him?" he shakes his head. "we can head back to the same place tomorrow. imagine how many we can kill this time. if not, there's the woods where hendery lives. i bet he'll be thankful that we kill all those vampires to protect him."

"yes, i think he would be," geun agreed, though he felt a bit weird now talking about hendery because of what kwan said. but, now that he remembers, doesn't hendery have a boyfriend? the guy at the door called him 'babe.' that's a dead giveaway.

but he doesn't dare tell kwan that. geun likes seeing his smile.

"so, remember to bring your switchblade," kwan then says, using the gun to hold up geun's chin on top of the barrel.

"yes," geun's breath hitched, feeling the gun pressing against his throat. "i will, i promise."


jeno caught on easily on how to get yua to do things with him. by convincing her that renjun likes it, she'll immediately want to try it out. it works like a charm.

now, jeno had convinced her to teach him things about colours and mimi since he was "curious" about them. in reality, he definitely wasn't and only suggested the idea to get her distracted, but he ended up finding out interesting things about them.

colours apparently is a lizard wizard and is a hundred years old, while mimi is a painter who loves painting forests. so, jeno kind of found those things interesting enough.

"and — and mimi is like renjun," yua went on happily as she smiles, her eyes smiling with her. "she is really nice and also likes waffles and drawing!"

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