14. more things to worry about

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winwin feels instant pain in his shoulder as the bullet flies right through, leaving behind a bullet hole. he gasps, his eyes widening as his body is hit with utter pain.

his first instinct is to run rather than take them on, but he wanted to bring nabi's dead body with him so she could be buried. but, before he can think of how he was supposed to do that, kwan is aiming the gun at him again, already pulling on the trigger.

winwin is able to dodge another bullet wound, more panicked than before. perhaps he wouldn't be able to get nabi's body right at this moment. that thought got kicked away just to be replaced with one — yuta. get to yuta.

he'll protect him.

he doesn't waste anymore time before running off in the opposite direction, hoping he'll stumble upon yuta's place soon enough by accident. winwin doesn't care enough to look back as he keeps running, actually hoping to run into yuta for once.

he knew geun and kwan would be coming after him. they wouldn't stop until they got a chance to get more bullets in him and actually manage to kill a second vampire. winwin felt tears coming to his eyes from the pain and the thought of nabi, seeing her get shot in the head and fall still so quickly afterwards. that's something that sticks with someone.

winwin knew it took a lot to kill a vampire, but nabi's death seemed too quick almost. before he knew it, he saw a familiar person turning his way, their eyes widening slowly. winwin can't properly stop before he runs into him, comforted by smelling his usual smell, just like his flat.

"winwin!" says yuta in surprise.

"officer, i need help," winwin takes a step back to properly see the police officer's face of concern. that's when yuta sees the bullet wound and immediately starts striking him with questions.

"what happened? who did this to you — "

"just, please take me to your place," winwin cuts him off, seeing the blood he got on yuta's coat. "yuta, please."

"of course," yuta says. turns out, winwin had already passed by it by pure accident and yuta had just been heading home from visiting a friend. he quickly pulls him up the stairs and into his flat, locking the door behind him.

"i'll get bandages," yuta then says. "but, please tell me what happened."

winwin can merely only continue crying without getting a single word out through his tears. yuta's concern is unwavering as he moves closer to him.

"you don't have to tell me right now," he says softly.

"no," winwin says weakly. "i can, i just need — "

"— bandages," yuta finishes for him. "you need bandages. i'll go get some, like i said. sit down on the couch and calm yourself down. you're probably in shock."

winwin complies with no complaint, sitting down on the couch and burying his face in his hands, still sobbing. ever since he closed himself off and spent most of his time alone, he's never cried a tear. all the other encounters with kwan and geun never brought not even a single tear rolling down his cheek, but watching what happened to nabi... it ruins everything.

yuta eventually returns with bandages, sitting down on the couch right beside the vampire. "you're going to need to take off your shirt, winwin."

winwin slowly lifts his teary face from his hands. "huh?"

"take off your shirt," yuta says. "i can't cover that wound otherwise... wait, now that i think about it, you'll need to go to the hospital! why didn't i think of that — "

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