17. what he comes back to

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winwin was happy to know yuta was taking a day off of work. but, he still had spent the rest of the day before alone and winwin felt like he was slowly going back to old self, only to suddenly want yuta's company again just right before he came back home, looking worn out from his job.

the morning went mostly the same as the day before — winwin basically basks in yuta's scent until he comes along and offers his neck for him to bite, which he does.

then, yuta goes off to make his morning coffee before joining winwin on the couch with a mug in his hands. winwin hadn't left the couch since the first day, preferring to stay where he felt the most comfortable, snuggled under the covers.

"you never told me what happened," yuta says after taking a single sip of his coffee, glancing over at winwin, who was looking back at him. "you know, how you got shot."

the one thing the vampire wanted to avoid came along. winwin has stopped himself from answering yuta's questions before and the police officer figured it out himself, but this time he finds his voice to respond.

"those guys who attacked me before, they came to where i lived and killed someone i knew," winwin answers quietly. "another vampire. they shot me and i ran away....."

"are you kidding me?" yuta says in reaction, gripping the handle of the mug tightly. "will they ever leave you alone?"

"i dunno...."

"well, they're hell bent on killing vampires," yuta goes on. "i heard it. don't worry, winwin, i'll protect you."

yes, that's what winwin wants to hear. he manages to smile softly at him for once, though he holds back showing his teeth. yuta smiles back.

"trust me, winwin, i will protect you," yuta says. "it's my job."

"thank you," winwin says, actually able to say those words to the police officer easily, without coming off forced. he really meant it.


by the time renjun wakes up after a long nap turned into an actual long rest, he finds himself sandwiched between jaemin and jeno on either side of him, both fast asleep. renjun thankfully had no nightmares of hayoon and perhaps his previous worry made no sense.

when he crawls off of the bed to avoid waking the two vampires who share it with him, he sees yua asleep on the couch, tucked up under her blanket while hugging colours to her chest. renjun passes by the coffee table and sees a folded piece of paper on it. curiously, he picks it up and unfolds it to read it:

i actually tucked her in, jun!
- jeno :)

renjun smiles softly at the piece of paper before returning it onto the piece of paper. they're finally getting along, which is perfect, of course. jeno'll finally stop complaining about her constantly out of jealousy. that just makes him happier.

not even his usual morning thirst could beat his utter happiness. he leaves the room and walks into the cafeteria, briefly walking into mrs. na's office to grab a bag of blood for himself before taking a seat and quickly drinking all of it. then, he quietly sneaks into his room to snatch his phone and check what he missed since he pretty much slept all yesterday.

he sees several text messages from mark. he hadn't waited for a response for sending several text messages in all caps to show his excitement. when renjun furrows his eyebrows and starts properly reading what was on his phone screen, his eyes slowly started to widen.

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