18. time alone

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the rest of the week passed, renjun going out with who he calls his "little family", which obviously consisted of jaemin, jeno, and little yua, to find mark and donghyuck a wedding gift. yua was happy enough since renjun let her get another stuffed animal, jaemin actively tried to help while watching yua, and jeno frowned at the thought of buying something for donghyuck.

"you're going to the wedding with us, so it's good if the gift comes from all of us, whether you like my best friend or not," renjun scolds jeno as they're there.

jeno just scoffed but didn't say anything.

"just, help me and jae pick out something," renjun went on. he tried to think of things both of them wanted — mark had wanted a photo album that one time and only checked a few out but ended up not buying one. maybe renjun could surprise them with that so they have a place to put all of those pictures mark took with his old camera.

oh! maybe a new camera for mark as well?

"there's one place i want to go," renjun suddenly says with a big smile. "i think i can remember where it is...."

"what? you decided on something?" jaemin chirps. yua just starts smiling, not really entirely understanding what was going on. "what is it, jun?"

"you'll see," renjun says cheerfully, leading the way there. he finally sees the familiar store after what felt like hours of walking around the mall in search of it. he immediately checks out the first photo album he sees, opening it and flipping through the pages.

"this one let's you put a photo on the front cover," jeno mutters, walking over with a much thicker one than the book renjun was holding. "you know, so mark and his fiancé," jeno frowned at the thought of donghyuck. "they can add a picture of themselves on the front or something."

"that's a nice one," renjun smiles at it before titling his head to the side. "but it's white."


"white gets stained easily," renjun says matter-of-factly.

"what the hell would they be doing with a photo album to get it dirty?" jeno raised his eyebrows. to be fair, that is a valid question.

"just, find one that isn't white," renjun simply says. "please, nono."

"alright, fine," jeno rolls his eyes before walking away. he returns back to where he found it, sliding it back with the other one photo albums before stepping back to see his choices. black, blue, brown.... yes, brown seems like a good choice.

now, jeno thinks as he holds the photo album in his hand, his eyes looking down interestedly at the front cover with the little pocket to slip a picture into. i kind of want one. if, me and boyfriends ever start taking pictures.

well, they technically do, just not as often, and all with renjun's phone since nor jaemin or jeno had a phone themselves. a quick glance into renjun's camera roll proved it was mostly pictures of himself, with his friends and boyfriends, and pictures of just jaemin and jeno alone, mostly making funny faces because they were caught off guard. though, renjun's most recents pictures were of yua being adorable.

he smiles at it before walking over to renjun, tapping him on the head lightly with the book. it makes the other look around, happily taking the photo album from his hands and looking at it with a big smile on his face.

"this is perfect! mark and donghyuck'll love it!" renjun says cheerfully, his black eyes seeming to light up.

"that's good then," jeno grinned.

"is that all?" jaemin walks over, now carrying a tired yua who was bound to start complaining. she was just barely holding onto her new toy.

"i wanna get a camera for them today," renjun says. "mark's current one is a bit old."

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