12. that's what matters

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renjun left the bathroom in a good mood, sporting the shirt and shorts jaemin let him have. well, renjun has a habit of snatching jeno's and jaemin's clothes to wear and they just let it happen.

he spots yua asleep on the couch, most of her covered by the blanket as she hugged her green lizard plushie, the bearded dragon on her other size. renjun smiled softly at the sight of her sleeping so peacefully — it was admittedly nice to have a break, even if it only lasted for a few hours when he was asleep.

he moves toward the bed but sees it empty. where were his boyfriends? he turns around, confusion written across his face.

"you're out of the shower," comes a voice from the doorway. renjun spots jeno standing there, smirking.

"you're topless again," renjun comments with a shake of his head and his arms crossed, though there's a smile on his face. "come to show off your scar?"

"maybe," jeno winks. "look, baby, i wanted to spend some time with you and jaemin in our room."

"so, that's where you two went," renjun says, letting jeno walk over to slip an arm around his waist. "why? now you don't like sleeping the same room as yua?"

"no, i just want some alone time with us three," jeno whispers into his ear. he then trails his lips down to renjun's cheek to kiss it. "we haven't done it in awhile."

renjun understands what he means. "let's get to the room, then."

renjun is happily guided into the room that jaemin and jeno once shared. once, as in they always sleep in renjun's now, in his bed, cuddling each other all at once. when they entered, jaemin was already in bed, looking down at his hands, his cheeks somehow already pink.

but, soon enough, all of them are on the bed, the room door locked for good measure. renjun felt impatient hands trail his body, warmth pressed up against him from behind and in front, lips on his own and lips on his neck, making their way across the space between his neck and his shoulder, one of those hands coming up to bring his collar down.

oh, how renjun missed this. eventually, his shirt is brought over his head and now he's as topless as jeno is, feeling jaemin immediately attach his mouth onto his bare skin without giving him a chance to breath. but he feels the real pleasure when he finally settles himself down on jeno, who had himself nestled inside and jaemin sparing no time to over pleasure him.

then, renjun happily lets himself be bent over and jaemin have his chance, jeno finding his way to get involved in various ways. by the end of it all, renjun was fucked to exhaustion and immediately fell asleep when he first had the chance to.

but early that morning, he feels someone shaking him awake. his eyes blink awake, his vision slowly becoming clear to reveal yua, a frown on her face.

"thirsty," she simply said.

"oh!" renjun exclaimed before slapping a hand over his mouth, remembering not to wake jeno and jaemin. "go to the cafeteria, alright? i'm coming."

he definitely needed to put his clothes on. he very much hoped she wouldn't question the love bites on his neck out of pure curiosity. thankfully, she listens and walks out of the room. it gives renjun enough time to slip out of bed and put his clothes back on that had been scattered around on the floor.

then, he leaves the room, heading for cafeteria where yua was waiting, looking upset as her eyes went from black to red repeatedly. renjun ended up grabbing blood himself to not wake up mrs. na and came back out with one for himself and one for little yua.

of course, he helps feed her and then he drinks his own blood. this had basically become the new norm renjun, every morning being a repeat of this. but he assumes that's what comes with having a kid.

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