9. he's a-okay

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yuta would rather be asleep, curled up in his cozy bed under his favourite blanket, but being a police officer means he has days of waking up way early in the morning four days a week.

his eyes are barely able to stay open as he enters the station, giving sleepy greetings to his co-workers before making a beeline for the break room for some coffee that would surely be a big help. on the counter along with the coffee machine and paper cups is an open box of donuts (according to the sticky note attached to it) was brought by kim nari.

he gives the nice gesture a smile before going to make coffee for himself. during that time yuta was waiting, johnny came in to snag two donuts. one for himself and the other, obviously, for ten before telling yuta a bright good morning before disappearing. some of his other fellow police officers came, hung around to talk or eat, before leaving to do their proper jobs.

eventually, yuta's coffee was done and he happily took a sip of the warm liquid.

"you made coffee?" comes the voice of officer zhong chenle, yuta's junior. he nods in the younger's direction and officer zhong grins. "i appreciate that."

"i halfway wake up in the mornings when i need to get up early," yuta tells him with a returned smile.

chenle was just pouring himself a cup as he responded. "uh-huh, understandable. coffee is my life saver. also jisung waking me up in the morning, even when he's off."

officer zhong goes soft as he mentions officer park. yuta tilts his head to the side, asking, "y'know, i've been a bit curious. is there something going on between you two?"

"he's my boyfriend," chenle admits, blushing. "he's lovely, isn't he?"

"i suppose so," yuta answers, taking another sip of his coffee. "well, i have to hurry up and finish. i'm patrolling downtown today."

"oh, okay," chenle nods.

as he drinks his coffee, yuta wonders if he'll ever see winwin again. he just randomly crossed his mind out of nowhere. he got lucky the second time only to barely have a conversation, get called weird for wanting to help him, then save him from the same two people again. even if winwin didn't seem too friendly, yuta still felt intrigued by him.

also, wasn't he a vampire, too? his appearance was a sure enough giveaway and yuta knows jaehyun, so it all makes sense. perhaps that why winwin covers his mouth....

the day went on normally and no problems arose, and yuta returned home in a mood that wasn't particularly strong in any way. though, he looks on either side of him, watching out for anything.

but everything's quiet. everyone else that's out this late is minding their own business. good. that's something yuta prefers. then, footsteps sound behind him. he doesn't care in the slightest, but a familiar voice calls out to him and suddenly yuta thinks he's dreaming.

"officer nakamoto," says winwin and yuta turns around to face him. he then pauses and takes a deep breath as if what else he was going to say was going to be difficult. "i need your help."

he's not wearing his mask for once, revealing his mouth and nose. yuta finds it nice to see his entire face for once. he then asks, "with what?"

"i need somewhere to hide," winwin then says. he then says with even more difficulty, "please."

"of course, my flat is just up here..." yuta points behind him. without another word, they set off. when they reach where the police officer lives, winwin hurries inside and yuta locks the door behind him.

winwin takes a moment to take in his new surroundings — it's a decent looking place. his dark eyes spot the kitchen, then pictures on a small little stand near the couch, then the pictures on the wall....

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