[5] Okay, Everything Is Fine. I Think.

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TUBBO: do you think Ranboo will be at the park today, tommy?

TOMMY: idfk

TUBBO: it's been a while. I'm worried

TOMMY: he's probably just another bitch that ghosted us. Got a free fucking trip to the zoo, at least.

TUBBO: i don't think so! he's too nice!

TOMMY: that's what u said about that gregory dude.

TUBBO: gregory is a totally different set of circumstances to ranboo. first of all, i am offended by that comparison.

TUBBO: second of all, for all we know his phone could've broke and they couldn't have gotten it repaired. we don't know much about his home life, tommy

TOMMY: whatever :P

TOMMY: you still on for sparring later?

TUBBO: sure! B)

TOMMY: i'll kick your ass

TUBBO: i'll kick YOUR ass

TOMMY: fuck no you won't

TOMMY: fuck u


The cheery voice of Tubbo rings out. It takes a moment for Ranboo to look around, and even then, he doesn't notice Tubbo until he's close to his face and waves directly at him. Tommy being by his side helps, and they're both wearing the same shirts that they wore when they first met at the park.

Tubbo got a haircut.

"Oh, uh. Hi."

"Officially un-grounded, eh?" Tommy snarks. "Didn't take you much for a bad-boy type."

"I didn't, um." He didn't want to talk about why he was grounded. He didn't want to think about it, because it made him think of sleepwalking, and--

"Tommy, leave him alone." Tubbo rolled his eyes. "We're just glad to see you back in the flesh."

"It's nice to be outside again, too."

"You weren't allowed to leave your house?" Tommy asks, his voice much louder and angrier and directed at... Well, not Ranboo, which was nice. "Even when Phil grounds me he at least lets me fuckin' see Tubbo!"

"Well, there was that one time--"

"It didn't last a day cause I snuck out when he wasn't lookin'." Tommy winked at Ranboo. "Phil was pissed after, though, but nothin' can keep me and Tubbo apart for long!"

"Oh." Ranboo blinks. He fidgets awkwardly with the edge of his shirt. "Well, um... How have you two been doing?"

It's relaxing to see his friends again. He still feels a little cold, but the warmth of the sun on his skin and being by two people his age is nice. It's nice, they go to the ice cream place again and Ranboo tries chocolate ice cream and it's really good, and they sit outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Only Tommy has his skateboard that day, he's trying to master a trick that Ranboo doesn't understand.

Tubbo is the emotional support, but still laughs when Tommy messes up and lands on his face.

They spend most of the day together. The world is still a little muddy from the previous storm, but the sun is shining brightly again. They walk through the park as Tommy breezes by them on his skateboard and gives them a peace sign.

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