[28] I'm Not Built For This Shit!

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Ranboo doesn't think he'll have the stomach for anything again after what he runs into, holding a small sword and shield that they took from Techno's room close to him.

There's, well. Not a lot of people, but a decently-sized group, he imagines. A good seven people, most of which he recognizes barely as the people he's encountered accidentally during their planning meetings when he just wanted a yogurt cup or a glass of lemonade from the fridge. The whole area felt like magic, and felt charged, but also, it was filled with a vibrating hum of death, monsters, dreamons.

His demon comparison seems very apt as Tommy and Tubbo immediately begin tag-teaming larger dreamons, with Tommy's wind guiding Tubbo exactly like he said-- like a weapon. But he's also holding the spear that had the amaryllis engraving on it so when it pierces the skin of the dreamons it bursts into bright white light.

But he's never been in a battlefield before. Ranboo doesn't know what to do, or how he can help, or where he can go. He's never killed before. Does he have the strength for it? Does he actually think, no, believe, that he can do it?

All he's ever done is run away from dreamons, after all.

"Ranboo?!" A familiar voice calls his name. It's Phil, who runs in with a sword made of light and grabs him by his arm. "You-- what are you-- what are you guys doing here? You shouldn't be here!"

"Dream told us to come!" Ranboo yells back, over the roar of battle. It's quiet in the corner he's picked out, but it's going to make him a target, if he's not careful. "He said-- he said--"

Now that he looks around, there's a more people lying on the ground. He hopes they're not dead . He hopes and prays that no one is dead and they're all just hurt really bad, and that Techno can fix them. He sees the man run through the battlefield with just a rapier and crossbow attached behind his back, swinging violently, and as he passes people, the pink of his magic sparkles with his touch.

"-- he said you guys needed help, and we've gathered what we could to help." His voice steadies, a bit. He doesn't think he can stomach actually fighting and killing dreamons, but he can... He can do something, right?

Phil laughs, giving him a broken smile and a pat on the back. "Thank you, Ranboo. Guess we are a little more outnumbered." He perks his head up and glances around. "You're not that much of a fighter, but you can teleport, yeah? Whatever wounded Techno can't get to, I need you to get them out of the way of danger, okay?"

Ranboo can't teleport with people, or, if he can, he hasn't fathomed the idea yet. Or tried, because he doesn't know how it would work with other people. If it even could. And he didn't want to risk it now, but he nods at the order, sheaths his sword and runs alongside the battle, looking for ways to get to the wounded without being made a target himself.

"Sapnap, look out!"

"Thanks, Gogy!" A burst of fire echoes out from somewhere, and he hears the sound of an arrow pierce something. It seems like Dream's friends-- Sapnap, and... Ugh, Gogy? That couldn't be his name, Ranboo doesn't remember it off the top of his head now but it'll come eventually-- are here, too.

Ranboo runs to the first person he can see and notices their leg is bleeding, a mixture of black dreamon blood and red human blood. They're trying to get onto their feet, but stumbling in pain.

"Here, let me help," Ranboo offers. They're shorter than he is (like everyone is, always), but he can crouch down enough to lend a shoulder and side for the stranger to lean up against.

"Thanks, man." They take a shaky breath. "You're Phil's new kid, right?"

"Yeah." Ranboo keeps his ears alert to listen to the fighting happening behind them. Nothing sounds like they're getting too close, and the best bet to get these people far away enough would be by Wilbur's car. It was quieter over there, and at the very least, the first-aid trunk was left wide open for people to run and get supplies if they needed them.

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