[13] Well, THAT Just Happened. And So Did This :)

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Kids aren't usually allowed in Sister Agnes' office. Sure, when someone gets adopted, finds their forever home, their new family brings them into the office to sign all the final papers. But most of the time it's closed off, the door shut, whether the head of the orphanage was in there working or not.

So being in it makes Ranboo feel like something is about to happen. He doesn't know what.

The walls are high in the room, and large windows open up to the side yard of the house, opposite of his own room. An old Apple desktop sits on the desk, where some papers are piled up neat and orderly. There's a photo of the Pope on one of the walls, along with a cross and a smaller chair and table in one corner. There's a lamp and a bible on the table, but it looks a little dusty.

Other than that, the room feels bare. Empty. Cold.

"I suppose we should get this process started." Sister Agnes says, taking a seat by the computer. On the other side of the desk are two other chairs, evenly spaced apart.

The room was really big and empty. It felt... lifeless. Ranboo really didn't like it.

She adjusts her glasses. "Mr. Billiam, I want to ask you this again, are you sure this is what you want to do?"

Techno nods without hesitation. "Yeah, you don't really need to keep questioning it. I want to adopt Ranboo."

Were it not for the cold and empty feeling in the room, Ranboo would probably break out into tears. It was happening. It was finally happening-- the thing he had been praying for, the thing he had been begging for. He had imagined the day so many times when he was younger--

-- and, well, he didn't expect it to be the brother of the first friends he made outside of the orphanage --

-- yet here he was. This was happening.

The sister nods, and turns to her computer, but Ranboo glances around the room and notices something that maybe he should have noticed before. Something that stood out.

Sister Agnes doesn't have a shadow. Despite being lit up from behind her by the late-afternoon cloudy sky, she didn't have a shadow.

The feeling crashes into him instantly. It's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong it's wrong. Something is telling him to run.


It makes him shudder, and Techno glances at Ranboo with a confused look on his face, before turning back to Sister Agnes.

Why? Why does it suddenly feel so w r o n g ? Ranboo thinks. It should be the best day of his life, but something is wrong about this. Something is definitely wrong.

The pit in his stomach grows, as he watches Sister Agnes slowly type on the keyboard to find something. What? His records? Something for Techno to fill out? He didn't know. But it seemed normal.

It should be normal.

It can't believe this is happening.

After the weeks it has spent feasting off the tall boy's misery, with the misery of the religious sister and everyone else in the damned orphanage, in comes some man trying to take it all away.

Not some random man. A man who's been a threat to the King for years. It could smell the magic a mile away, but it wasn't expecting the man to take away one of its prey.

It is supposed to be Prince. It is supposed to rule alongside its King.

No. No, it will not let this get away from it.

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