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Tubbo isn't quite sure why Ranboo hasn't responded.

He's grounded, again, Tubbo assumes. The first time had been sudden and random-- as it seemed to be with his parents. Tubbo was ready to fight Ranboo's parents, at this point. He doesn't talk much about his home or his life, and if that's because his parents aren't nice, Tubbo is ready to square up.

Tommy will have to be the one to pull him away. And that's saying something.

Still, silence from Ranboo was confusing and strange. They were supposed to meet up at the library today and he hasn't heard anything from Ranboo, anything about studying or anything about Taco Thursday.

And Techno makes amazing tacos. He'd hate for Ranboo to miss it.

Maybe we can sneak him tacos, if he's grounded again, he thinks throughout school. He and Tommy don't share a lot of classes-- unfortunately-- but when they have lunch, he takes his seat right next to Tommy and pitches the idea.

"That sounds like a terrible idea, Tubbo." Tommy says.

"You didn't say no!"

"You know I'm always in, bitch!" Tommy laughs, as a few more of their friends make their way to the table. They're friends, they're a big group, and Tubbo knows them all and loves them all, but he and Tommy?

They were tight.

Being united by magical forces will definitely strengthen a friendship. They can't talk about it there, so when they meet up when school lets out, they can in hushed voices as they walk.

It's a breezy autumn afternoon. Not chilly enough to start bringing out coats and jackets, but Tommy does have a cozy, hand-knit scarf on and Tubbo pulls a beanie over his ears and they're both in long-sleeves. Enough to stay comfortable, but not too warm in the furnace that is their stupid highschool.

A thought comes to his mind.

"Do you think Ranboo has magic?"

Tommy spits out the water he was sipping. Tubbo really needs to get more aware of his surroundings when he says stuff, sometimes.

"W-What? Where did this come from?" He manages to choke out, wiping the water off his face with his hands.

"I mean. I haven't met anyone without magic getting introduced to magic, you know, because no one else has magic in my family except for me, so I don't usually know how it goes, but Ranboo has been taking it... Really well?" He tries to explain. Tommy usually picks up on it, and the blond nods along. "... That's a thing, right? Didn't Phil say something about magic brings people with gifts together like fate?"

"Phil says a lot of things." Tommy's never thought high of his dad, if any indication of calling him by his first name says anything. He still jumps over the cracks in the pavement as they walk, though. He remembers Phil's favorite food and favorite flower. "Maybe? I don't know."

"We should ask him tonight at dinner!" Tubbo says. "Whether or not Ranboo is there."

"I told Phil to plan on hm not comin', but Techno always makes so much food for Taco Thursdays that he can squeeze in if he does." Tommy says.

The library is in sight.

The small van that they've seen everywhere around town is parked out front. Tubbo recognizes it as the van that's with the orphanage in town. He's never been to the orphanage, but the van is pretty big and recognizable.

Tommy groans next to him. "Great, we'll have to deal with a bunch of little snotty kids."

"They're not that bad." Tubbo says, rolling his eyes. "They stick to the little kid books, anyway. Not the big kid books around us." He gives his best friend a grin. "C'mon, let's go grab our usual spot."

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