[19] Oh, That's A Cool Story. Anyway, It's Time for Chaos.

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Sapnap groans as he hits the ground. The small little fucker was a speedy little thing, he decides, and even Dream and George are having trouble keeping up with it.

George draws an arrow into his bow and shoots, and even with his astounding accuracy, he misses. He curses under his breath, but it's loud enough for Sapnap to hear.

Dream reaches out a hand to pull Sapnap up. He isn't the oldest of their odd trio, but he definitely has the most experience fighting dreamons-- and, well. He also has the strongest magic, as he reaches into mid-air and pulls out a glowing sword.

Fuckin' reality magic. Sapnap is strong, too, of course-- nothing beats good ol' fire-- but sometimes, Dream just liked to show off, huh?

"Thanks," He says, as Dream nods at him. He always keeps his face hidden behind that silly little mask on hunts, but since the trio moved in together a month ago, seeing it feels weirder than it had before.

George is distracting the dreamon, shooting a few arrows into the air. Not hitting it, but they hit the ground around the creature, and it is definitely enough to distract.

"We need to think of a plan." Dream says. He glances around the forest clearing they're in-- it isn't too far from the little cabin that Puffy's family rents out during the warmer months of the summer to make a few extra buckaroos, and they definitely don't want it causing any damage, or, Sapnap remembers the weeks they spent repairing it by hand last time. He winces at the thought.

"Well, I can always just go in blazing."

"No, please, we don't need the police on our ass again for suspected arson," Dream wheezes, as he fiddles with the air. Sapnap can never see this strange thing he calls his "inventory" like he's some sort of video game character, but Dream does bring out a large battle axe and a few--

"Where the hell did you get bombs?"

"Not important right now--" Dream tosses them back into his inventory, before they're interrupted by George crying out.

"Guys! I'm out of arrows!"

"Ugh, hold on--! Here!" Dream pulls out another bundle of arrows, tossing them to George. He catches them with ease, of course. And starts to shoot again at the dreamon-- this time, getting a hit in.

Looks like its stamina was running out.

"Alright, Sapnap." Dream turns back to him. He juggles the battleaxe in his hand. "No full-out blazing, but if you can light it up enough to disorient it more, I should be able to get the final hit in to kill this thing."

Sapnap grins, and lets out the energy of the sun onto his skin. It only covers his forearms-- no full-out blazing, he can't go all human torch like he likes to do, but they are close to Puffy's cabin and if it catches fire he is never going to hear the end of it and most likely going to have to rebuild it all on his own, and, well, he doesn't know shit about building a cabin from scratch.

Dream's plan works. As they usually do. The dreamon goes down with one swing from the battleaxe, beheaded and black dreamon blood oozing out in a spectacular fountain before it sunk into the earth.

Not purified, but, well. It's dealt with for now.

"Nice hit, Dream!" Sapnap yells out, giving him and George a high-five. "Dream Team, fifty-four, dreamons, zero!"

"I could've sworn this was fifty-five," Dream says.

"It was obviously sixty-nine." George interjects, and they all break out into laughter.

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