[24] Oh, Yeah. It's All Coming Together

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"I think it was because I had a really weird dream." Ranboo says, wincing as Techno poked at his ankle not-so-carefully. "I don't, um, remember much of it."

"Surprising," the sarcasm in Techno's voice speaks miles, but Phil only nods in intrigue-- and a little bit of horror.

Tommy and Wilbur were off to school, and Phil hadn't hesitated to tell Ranboo's online teacher that he wouldn't be sitting in for any lectures today because he wasn't feeling well. And in all truth, he really wasn't feeling well.

His head wouldn't stop spinning, and he kept randomly teleporting around the house. Once or twice, sure, he had teleported from a sneeze and from Tubbo jumping out from behind the couch and scaring him, but this was on a different level. It was hard to do much other than sit or lay down, and once Techno had returned from a morning job of hunting down a lone dreamon, he had immediately gotten to work on healing up Ranboo's injuries from--

Well, whatever happened to him. The weird sleep-teleportation.

"This is definitely concerning." Phil says, scratching at his chin. He's leaning back against the wall in the living room. He hasn't left Ranboo's side since he found him, half-conscious and panicking with a broken and swollen ankle a few hours before.

"I do, um. Remember one thing about my dream." Ranboo says. He pushes his hair out of his face nervously. It's gotten a little longer, probably the longest that he's ever had it, and it's getting a little annoying to deal with. But it's fun to have it longer, to have something to mess around with when he's in a lecture for online class with his webcam off, when all he has to do is listen.


"It was, like. It felt like someone was reaching out to me, and..." The memory is slipping through his fingers like sand again. Maybe he should invest in a dream journal, like Tubbo has-- because something is telling him this might be more than just a weird dream. "...They told me to not wake up, I think. And-- and they had a really weird face."

At the sound of that, Techno glances up. Ranboo's ankle is glowing the same light pink of the older man's magic, and he's just wrapping it up now so it heals properly. Ranboo already feels a little fatigued from it, but he's terrified to fall asleep again. At least the other injury he got from his eventful morning-- the scratch that took up all of his shin-- was only wrapped up. It wasn't too deep to cause any harm, but it might scar.

"What do you mean, weird face?"

"It was-- it was like, um. Just this really creepy smile."

At that, Phil's eyes widened. "Was he wearing any green, by any chance?"

Ranboo shakes his head. "No, I-- I don't remember." He doesn't remember much, other than the smile. It was a little unsettling, deep in his bones. Not to mention, he was distracted by the feeling of something pulling on him, too. And then waking up in the middle of nowhere.

Not fun.

Techno stands back and brushes his hands off. His ankle is wrapped and healing now, and Ranboo can feel the pain already start to ease a bit. Which was nice-- but he didn't want to abuse the healing gift that Techno has like Tommy did, once upon a time, and be doomed to not be healed unless it's life-threatening.

He awkwardly shifts it up onto the couch and elevates it back up, like he had before. It feels a little better.

"That would be really weird if it was, unless it's your other gift..." Phil mumbles, but it's loud enough for Ranboo, and Techno, to hear.

Techno glances between the two of them, and looks.

Well. That's interesting.

He's never seen the man look nervous before. Ranboo cannot tell the details of faces, but he can see the way that he shifts awkwardly, bites on his lip. Glances away.

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