[16] Almost Normal But Unfortunately Not Quite Yet

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It was, well--

Ranboo didn't expect it.

He supposes that, well, training does make sense. He's never been involved in any sports (for obvious reasons), they have a lot of training involved, and even though magic is not a sport , there's some sort of work out there. Some sort of muscle that needs to be honed. Energy that needs to be controlled.

And he'd seen Tommy and Tubbo using their powers, in a controlled manner, in the field and orchard behind the house a few times over the summer, after the secret was revealed. Those were probably training days, now that Ranboo has the hindsight to think on it, even if he doesn't recall them that well.

Maybe he was a bit oblivious, to not connect the dots, but he wasn't expecting his first Saturday at his new home being thrown into training.

"It's mostly for self-defense." Tommy explains, though he pouts as he does. Tubbo has yet to arrive, it's almost eight in the morning, Ranboo knows he's awake because of his old schedule still, but being able to witness Tommy awake at such an early morning feels a bit like a miracle. "Phil says we're not old enough yet to hunt dreamons."

Ah, well. Ranboo would much rather stay away from those things. Seeing how he'd lived under one for about a month, he knew what they could throw. And it probably wasn't even the worst. He'd seen Techno come back covered in dreamon blood twice in one week, the next as gory and gross as the first. At least he hadn't been trying to eat breakfast the second time, but it was still unnerving.

He doesn't remember a lot about what he was told about dreamons. All that information was thrown into a fire. But there's a new journal in his possession, and he hardly leaves his room without it, in case something happens when he isn't expecting it.

"Um... We're still kids, so that makes sense." Ranboo says, responding to Tommy probably a few minutes too late.

"Yeah, but no dreamon could ever take me down!" The blond stands up tall, pushing his chest out. There's a gust of wind that goes by, stronger than it should be, with a hum of magic.

It's... something he's started to pick up a little more. The longer Ranboo is around magic, it seems, the more noticeable it becomes. Just a small hum in the air when the wind whistles around Tommy.

"It's a simple fact that I'm too fuckin' strong."

Ranboo nods, but he does let out a light chuckle at Tommy's sense of grandiose.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, nothing--" The astounded face that Ranboo receives in response is also something that he has to laugh at, but he tries his best-- by God, he tries his best -- to hold back on it. Plus, out of the corner of his eye, he notices Tubbo walking through the yard, to the orchard in the back.

Phil is in the back, too, as is Techno. Wilbur is still asleep at this time of day, Ranboo assumes that he sleeps on a completely different schedule as everyone else. It's a Saturday morning, he would imagine it would take a miracle for Tommy and Tubbo to be up at such a time, but they both seem pretty energetic as Tubbo waves to Ranboo before he and Tommy join Phil closer to the trees.

Then, what am I--

A large thunk pulls Ranboo from his thoughts. Techno is in front of him, dressed in a simple tunic (because, in all honesty, what he wears can hardly be called normal clothes ), holding a wooden sword. The thunk in front of Ranboo is a similarly sized wooden sword.

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