[17] Didn't Expect That To Come Out Of Tonight, But Okay

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Something digs at Ranboo's insides as he peers into the living room. He feels like he's too tall, too noticeable, and he tries to shrink in on himself like he always does, but no one turns their eyes to him as he just.

Stands there.

Phil's got his back turned to him. The passed-out stranger is laid across the couch, and Techno is standing over him with a roll of bandages, wrapping some wound up. The other stranger is reclined at the foot of the couch, not as injured as the first, but he doesn't look particularly ecstatic to be there.

"-- Wilbur, you and Tommy need to go check the protection wards." Phil is saying. Ranboo doesn't understand most of it, since it's magic-talk that he hasn't learned yet. He's holding a sword, one made of some sort of black material that reflects iridescent colors in the light of the lamp by the couch. It's a sword that he hasn't seen before. "Techno's gonna stay here to help George and Sapnap, and--"

That's when Phil notices Ranboo, from the corner of his eye. Ranboo feels himself shrink down a little more. He wishes he could disappear.

But he doesn't.

Phil locks Ranboo in the eyes, before looking elsewhere. Still towards Ranboo, but not the eye contact anymore, thank goodness. "-- and Ranboo, stay here."

Stay here, it's relieving to hear that he's ordered to stay and not do anything else. To not have to get involved-- he's only had one lesson with the swords, he's in no way capable of handling anything on his own, and what-- what was it that Phil just said to Wilbur and Tommy? It was such an off-hand comment, and Ranboo forgot all about it completely.

He nods in response stiffly, to show that he heard Phil. The older man gave him a faint smile, walking a little closer to him.

"This isn't our first rodeo dealing with something like this. Stay in the house, and you'll be fine, alright?"

Ranboo nods. His mouth feels incredibly dry.

"Alright, let's go kick some dreamon ass !" Tommy breaks the mood, as he usually does.

"We're not fighting anything, child ." Wilbur hits him upside the head, but they both leave out the door by the front porch.

Phil watches them leave, still standing next to Ranboo, before giving another reassuring smile to Ranboo before ducking out, as well.

He still isn't entirely sure what is happening, but they leave as quickly as they can, to-- do what they need to do. Can Phil really take on a dreamon all on his own, like Techno can? What is his magic, anyway--?

He glances back at the strangers. The awake one is staring at him, a mix of morbid curiosity and... some sort of fear, maybe? Ranboo fights the fear to go run back to his room, hide under his covers, and pretend that everything is a bad dream. He does wrap his fingers around the cross around his neck and bite his lip, and walks a little closer to see what Techno was doing.

The man had shoved all his pink hair into a high ponytail, out of his face, and he was finishing wrapping up a loose bandage around the not-awake stranger's head. As soon as he finishes, Techno rubs his hands together, and they start to glow with a faint, white, light. No-- it's not white. It's slightly pink, but the color itself is so pastel and light that you can only see it if you squint. Techno sets his glowing palms on the not-awake stranger's chest, and the glow leaks out and spreads. A small glow covers the stranger's whole body, even when Techno moves his hands away, there's a pink shimmer to the other man's skin.

Almost like it was coated in a faint glitter.

Techno glances up, noticing that Ranboo was watching. "Enjoying the show?"

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