Chapter 6

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Okay, so this is the last chapter I already had done.  I'm already working on Chapter 7, though!  So, if you're still reading don't go anywhere!  I'd love some encouragement, so if you're liking the story so far let me know!  Also Happy Friday!  Thank god.  I don't think I could survive another work day.


I woke up with only a slight headache, thank god.  For all that I’d drank I deserved the hangover to end all hangovers.  I stumbled into my bathroom and turned the shower on as hot as it would go.  I let it heat up while I relieved myself and then I hopped under the hot spray and just stood there until the water turned cooler. 

After washing up I got dressed in a teal maxi dress that showed off my tan and slipped my feet into a pair of flip flops.  I had a date with Anna to do some shopping and get lunch and I was excited to be out and about.

As soon as I stepped into my kitchen I knew something wasn’t right. I could feel someone else in the room, even if I couldn’t see them at first.  My instincts kicked in and my pulse slowed as I felt myself responding to the threat.  Fight or flight kicked in and my response was always fight. Which was unfortunate for whoever else was in my house.

I felt the air shift to my right and I ducked just as a large fist swung past my head.  I spun and kicked my leg out, nailing my attacker in the ribs, cracking at least two with the force. 

He was large, larger than anyone I’d ever fought before.  His dark skin was slick with a layer of sweat that I didn’t understand.  It was chilly in my house.  He was bald with dark eyes that were bloodshot and angry.  He was stacked high with muscles but I could see that it was just for show.  He was soft in the middle.  If he hit me I’d be out cold but I was faster than he would ever be. 

After accessing the threat I swung my foot up and cracked his jaw with another hard kick.  I stepped away and held my hands up, ready to attack again if he came near me. 

“Come here, you little bitch.”  He snarled at me and a wave of his breath floated over to me even from five feet away. 

I didn’t bother talking back.  I wasn’t going to be distracted.  It wouldn’t take but one mistake for him to have me wounded and out of the fight.  I wasn’t taking any chances.  

He charged at me and I ran around the island.  He was already breathing hard from his ribs so I knew he would lose stamina soon. 

“You’re going to die no matter what.  You might as well make it easier on yourself.”

That pissed me off.  I still didn’t react, though.  I watched as he knocked things off of my kitchen counter and gritted my teeth.  I was ready to end this. 

I let him get closer to me and he reached out to grab me but I grabbed his arm with both of my hands and bent forward quickly, sending him flying over my back.  He landed on my kitchen table and it shattered under his weight. 

As soon as he was on the ground I leaned down and slammed my fist into his face, knocking him out.  I grabbed my phone and snapped off a quick picture of his face before running out of my house and across the Tennessee’s. 

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