Chapter 25

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We were at my dad's kitchen table and Danna was giving me water to take my meds with.  Despite the fact that my dad and Tennessee were discussing strategy and what I'd told Tennessee about Henry, I couldn't focus on what they were saying.  All I could hear in my head, over and over again, was him saying that he loved me.

I knew that he was just saying it to be a smartass but it had been so long since I'd heard those words from a man that I didn't exactly know what to think.  I knew that the little masochist bitch in my brain was jumping up and down in excitement, telling me that maybe, just maybe, he really did mean it.  The smarter parts of my brain knew that that was the dumbest thing I'd ever thought. 

I was miserable.  The pain was terrible, but beyond that my mind was a jumble.  I couldn't think because of the pain but when the medicine kicked in I couldn't think clearly.  I felt like I was spinning out of control. 


I snapped my eyes to Tennessee and a telling blush broke out on my cheeks.  I looked away and blew out a breath.  "Yeah?"

"I said I'm going to go make that call about Henry.  I'll be back in a few minutes."

I nodded and turned to my dad once Tennessee was gone.  "I can't think straight, Dad.  The pain and the medication for the pain have got my head all fuzzy.  If there was ever a time when I needed your help, it's now.  Tell me how to handle this."

Dad put his hand over mine and smiled at me.  "We're going to help get you out of this.  I know that you could handle it usually but you're right.  You're not in the best shape right now.  I wouldn't send the best soldiers into battle in your condition."

I knew he would but I didn't want him to think that I just expected him to dig me out of everything I got myself into.  "Thank you.  I don't know what to do here.  I want to hurt Daniel.  I'm so angry that I can't see past that."

"That's an easy way to get yourself killed.  You can't be too blinded by the trees to see the forest.  We're going to sit down and come up with a plan.  There's a way out of this."

I rested my head on the table and sucked in a deep breath through my mouth.  "I can't even breathe right.  This had got to be the worst time to lose my ability to take care of myself."

There was shouting from outside and then a crashing sound.  Dad had a gun out and was at the door in a flat second.  My heart was racing but then he was laughing.  I held my chest and moved to where he was standing.

On the floor of the porch was Tennessee holding my brother.  He had Jeremy pinned with his arms behind his back.  Dad stepped out while putting his gun away.  I moved over to Tennessee and pulled him off of my brother. 

"Tennessee, meet Jeremy, my big brother.  Jeremy, Tennessee, my..."  I didn't know what to call him.

"Boyfriend."  Tennessee volunteered.

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