Chapter 26

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My special seating in the van was inside a too small dog crate.  They shoved me inside until my shoulder was under me painfully and my face was pressed against the metal wall of the crate.  I could fear the metal bars leaving their mark on my skin.

Daniel was sitting next to me so he could casually reach over and jab me with a cattle prod every so often.  It had clearly been turned down because it was just a quick zap of fire shooting through my body every few minutes instead of a debilitating pain.

I could hear them all talking and laughing about what was going to happen at the warehouse and I was genuinely more afraid than I'd ever been in my life.  I was picturing the worse things and if we didn't get to the warehouse soon I was going to have a heart attack just from imagining what was waiting on me.

"Almost there, Carter.  I can't wait to show you what I've prepared for you."

I couldn't even glare at Daniel from my position.  "Fuck you."

He shocked me again.  "That's always a possibility, baby.  You were always my favorite.  Have you talked to your mother, yet?  I told her all about how mean you've been being to me.  She was disappointed in you.  Seems to think that she raised you better than that."

I gritted my teeth so hard I could hear them grinding against each other.  "You're a sick little shit."

Daniel laughed and shocked me again.  "Your mother was good.  She's a surprise, you know?  She's so damn proper but then she has this whole other side.  She's a sick freak.  She'll do anything for more drugs, Carter.  Including handing me you on a silver platter.  All of those dates I took you on?  Remember how you loved them so much?  She told me to do all of them.  Said they'd sweep you right into my bed."

I winced as he shocked me again.  "Is this supposed to hurt me?  Hearing about my mom?  It's not working.  You'll have to try harder."

"How about we talk about the hot button issue, then?  Henry."

I felt all the blood rush from my face.  "You knew I saw."

"Oh, yeah.  It was a show.  I wanted to see which way you'd go.  Some girls turn bad when they find out what I am.  I wanted to know if you'd come over to my side so I could stop pretending to be such a good little boy."

I gagged.  "You killed him for a show?"

"Yep.  I mean, he was also an undercover cop.  He was so obvious and had been under for so long without ever seeing anything that the cops could hold me on.  He'd gotten desperate to get out.  So, really, he was stealing from me.  I just wouldn't usually kill a cop if I could avoid it.  It gets the others sniffing around."

"And his sister?"

"Pretty little blonde.  She was actually his partner.  We did her in, too.  After we kept her on ice for a while.  She was fun."

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