Part 14

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The truth comes out:

It's been a busy week Mr. Darnell got the house together he even did up a guestroom, I hope Uncle David will stay with us too while he's in town. Clay hasn't called me to let me know if his new piece is coming, Sid said he'll be here he met a dude in ATL two months ago its time his friends met him. And he was keeping his friend a secret until he was sure they'd be together, and now he is, and he thinks he could be the one.

I told him good, and I asked him has Clay said anything about his dude, Sid said no, and Clay never has his dude around when he's there, I told him maybe Clay will bring him, I told Sid I'll see him on Friday night around seven thirty tell Clay the time he said he'll be there and hung up.

Mario hasn't let me know about his dude either, if he's still with him knowing my brother he'll show up with some female at least I hope it will be a real female who knows with Mario. But I have to respect what my brother likes.

I called Lennox to make sure his people would be here on time, he said they'll be here an hour ahead of time, and the menu is ready, I thanked him and hung up everything is set for Friday and Saturday.

I also called Uncle David to see if he can have lunch with me sense I took the week off, he said sure and he can get away from daddy talking business all the time. I told him the time and gave him my address, he said he'll be here, I hung up Uncle David doesn't have anything to do with the family business, grandfather left it to him, and daddy uncle just gets his checks.

Uncle is somewhat like Mario and I; we enjoy the benefits from the family business but don't like the work, uncle is an attorney too that's why I went to law school I always wanted to be like him. I love my father but when I was a kid, I use to wish uncle was my father.

I called Ty to see how his day is going, and could he join us for lunch he said not today he's going to a lunch meeting with Reese Alexander, I told him okay I'll see him later and tell my Godfather I said hello bae said he'll do that and he loves me. I told him I love him more and hung up, the doorbell rang and I answered the door its Rico Dupree he said he wanted to tell me this in person. I invited him in and offered him something to drink, he said he's fine and showed me pictures of the person that Jake has been seeing its my mother.

I knew it so she did bring Jake here to break us up, I told Rico this is what I wanted to know just send me a bill, he said that's fine and did I want to know about the man Jake is seeing here, I told him no I don't care about that I got what I wanted. I showed him out and Mario pulled up as Rico drove away, he asked me what was Rico Dupree doing here, I told him and he said mama is a dirty bitch, I told him to watch his mouth she's still our mother. Mario said I'm too soft when it comes to mama, why can't she just let us live our lives that's why he doesn't come out to them, or tell them who he's seeing.

Mario speaking of who you're seeing is he coming on Friday, he said he still doesn't know he might just show up by himself I told him well uncle will be here for lunch, Mario said cool he'll stay too. Boy you'll do anything to get out of going back to work, he said I know him so well, but we're more like uncle David than daddy.

Mario said when we were kids and he got in trouble he wished uncle was our dad, he said he'll be in the game room call him when uncle gets here, he left the room and I went into the kitchen I made a salad and we have the leftover steaks Ty made last night. I don't think uncle wants breakfast food for lunch that's all I really know how to cook, we'll have to hire a maid.

Later I found some old photos of Mario and I with uncle holding Mario he must've been around two and I was four, we had some good times with uncle until he moved to London. That's when we started spending time with uncle Todd, which I wish we never did.

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