Part 17

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One thing led to another:

Its been three weeks sense my party so far everything is going well for all of us, Mario and Clay are inseparable and it just might work for them, Sid and Logan are doing fine too if Logan isn't here Sid is in ATL with him.

Falisha decided to run our California office, and Marcus is right up under daddy hoping to take over some day. As for Brie she's still acting up as far as mama and she's acting funny towards uncle David too, sis needs a man or just some good dick to keep her mind off of things whatever's bothering her she still won't tell me.

Ty asked me how long will David be in town, that's another thing uncle said he's going to stay around a little longer which I'm glad he is. And someone I'm not so happy to see and that's my uncle Todd he came in from New York last night, Ty asked me am I going to see him, I told him I have no reason too and he knows why.

Mike you need to see him he looked at me, I told him to get closure so that Todd doesn't have power over me. 

Damn Ty that's what Cecil always told me but I couldn't than, but maybe I can now if you come with me, bae said he'll be by my side always. And we should go today, I started shaking Ty took my hands and said he'll be with me the sooner I do this the sooner I can really be free.

You're right we can go after breakfast you can have cereal I'm not hungry, and its Saturday my dad will be golfing and I'm sure uncle will be sleeping in, Ty said I need to eat something I told him after this is done.

Bae told me don't forget the new maid starts on Monday so we won't have to eat out anymore, or eat cereal for dinner. I told him I still want his steak and eggs on Sunday morning he said is that all I want from him, I grabbed his crouch and said this too. Bae said we can eat later lets just go to my folks house and get this over with, we left and in the car Ty held my hand and said it will be okay once I do this. And even if Todd doesn't admit what he did I'll get it off my chest, and bring closure to me.

It didn't take us long to get to my parents' house I used my key to get in, Teresa walked into the room and said my parents aren't here, I told her I'm not here to see my parents. I'm here to see  my uncle Todd where is he? Teresa said he's out by the pool, she said no one comes home anymore Mario is hardly ever here, and Brie goes up to ATL most weekends she must have a man up there. And uncle David is in his wing of the house he has a woman with him, I'm sure he does uncle can always find female companionship the lady's love him.

As for sis she never mentioned that to me about going up to ATL, and we talk all the time, but sis has been acting strange lately. Ty asked me am I ready to do this, I said no but I will, we went out back and uncle is sitting at the table he looked at me and said well hello he was wondering when I would come and see him.

Todd you raped me as a child, I'm suppose to tell you that I forgive you, but I can't until you admit that you hurt me.

Michael I don't know what you're talking about, son you always had a weird sense of humor, are you on something I think you need help.

Todd don't call me son and you know damn well what you did to me, now admit what you did to me, he said he can't and he doesn't know why I'm making this up about him. My mama told him I had a break down after Cecil died, and now I created this rape thing I need help.

I hollered I'm not the sick one here and for years I hid this from everyone but no more, you son of a bitch you know what you did to me, mama came outside and asked what's going on out here, tell her Todd what you did to me dammit tell her.

Michael you tell me sense you're all excited about this, David came out and said he heard Michael screaming what's going on, I said that's what I'm trying to find out so go ahead Michael tell me.

Mama when you sent Mario and I to stay the summers with Todd he touched me, mama asked Todd is that true did he hurt me.

Sis you said it yourself when Michael was a kid he made up things, and he's doing it now he needs help.

No Todd, Michael wouldn't make this up, I knew something was wrong when the boys came back from being with you, dammit you did hurt Michael, did you touch Mario too, before he could answer I started hitting him, answer me did you hurt my baby. Todd said no and Michael is lying, I said why would he lie about this, and after all these years bring it out now you did this.

David just started punching Todd and saying he'll kill Todd for what he did to Michael, I told Michael to stop David before he kills Todd he just stood there watching, Tyler pulled him off of Todd. I told Todd to get out of here and never come back he's no longer my brother now get the hell out of here.

I wiped my bloody mouth, fuck you Falisha I know things about you and David, she told me to get the hell out of here, fine sis but before I do I'll let Michael know who his real father is, David hit me again and said if I want to live I better get out of here. I told Michael I don't need to say anymore and if it makes him happy to hear me say I did those things to him I did, I don't know why I did it, yes I do because it was done to me. I'm sorry for what I did, and I do need help but at least you know the truth about David, Falisha told me to just leave I just  went into the house.

Mama is that true is David my father, she looked at David and said Todd is lying he just wants to hurt her, uncle David I'm going to ask you are you my real father, he looked at mama and said yes and Mario is his son too.

So, all of these years you both have been lying to me, does my father know about this, mama said okay its true and Marcus knows, but he's my father David never takes responsibility for anything so Marcus said he would raise Mario and I as his own sons we're still Ashton's, and will get the money my grandfather left us when we turn thirty.

Mama is that all you care about is money, I've been living a lie, come on Ty lets get the hell out of here, mama said we need to talk about this I said there's nothing else to talk about and we left. In the car Ty said he's sorry we came here for one thing and found out another, I called Mario and asked him to meet me at my house its important, he said okay and is it okay if he brings Clay, I told him do what he likes and I hung up.

This is fucked up the man I called daddy turns out to be my uncle, and my uncle is my dad, Ty held my hand and said I have him and the rest of my family. We got home and I just sat in the living room waiting for Mario, I don't know how he's going to take this finding out David is our dad.

Twenty minutes later Mario and Clay arrived and Mario asked what's going on, I told him about confronting uncle Todd and what else happened, I told Mario that uncle David is our real father, Mario said that explains why we look more like David than daddy or should he say uncle Marcus I told him to stop it.

Mike its true Marcus is our uncle and mama fucked David so that makes him our dad, that also explains why daddy really didn't care what we did everything was about our siblings, and mama was overly protective of us probable afraid the truth would come out and maybe Marcus would dump her ass, but we would still have money being uncle David's sons.

Mike asked me how do I feel about all of this, I told him I've always felt closer to David and now I know why, I'm not going to stop loving Marcus now that I know the truth, I asked Mike what about him how does he feel about all of this.

I don't know what I feel I wanted to make Todd tell what he did to me, and I find out that David is our dad, I'm confused. Mario said stop being such a drama queen just deal with it and move on, one thing I can believe in is that Ty loves me and so does he. For once Mario you're right we can't change what happened and I do have Ty to love and you, Mario said he's hungry they didn't eat they were doing it when I called him.

Bro I didn't need to hear that, Ty said he'll make breakfast, I went outside and sat down this is my life. I started thinking sense my party Brie has been acting strange, and she acted funny when I said that Mario looks more like David than daddy, shit Brie knew just wait until I talk to her, why didn't she tell us. I called her but Brie's phone went straight to voicemail, sis its me and Mario and I know the truth about David being our dad call me back.

if I know sis she's fucking some dude there, she better call me back. I guess we should talk to Uncle David I mean our father, and Marcus senior about this. I'm just glad I have Ty in my life.

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