Part 19

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The family talk:

David came downstairs and said now that Michael and Mario know the truth its time we talked to them.

David lets let them decide when there ready, its a lot on them finding out the truth, and I'm sure you don't want them to know why you slept with my wife.

Marcus I was wondering when you were going to bring that up, you just remember you damn near push Falisha and I in bed, sense you weren't here to take care of your wife, for me it was sex there was no love big brother just sex giving her something you couldn't.

Damn you David maybe I didn't touch her because you did, he said and the fact that I was sleeping with my secretary for years not paying any attention to Falisha, she said she can speak for herself and we've been over this several times its time we moved on and thought about how the boys feel.

Sister-in-law their grown men and you have to let them grow up, and except their sexuality, Michael is happy with Tyler, and it seems that Mario and Clay are growing closer. Falisha said she just doesn't understand it I like women how did our sons turn out to be gay, or did Todd turn them out maybe he did things to Mario too.

Falisha a person doesn't turn gay, or get turned out they just are.

Marcus we don't know that, and by Todd hurting Michael in his mind he thinks he should be with men, Todd did this to our sons. David said with that attitude the boys will stay away from me, just let them live there lives, just because my life isn't what I wanted let them be happy.

I just left the room, if I don't change me, I could lose my sons for good, I tried being a good mother to all of my children. Maybe I turned them gay by babying them, I didn't want Michael to play basketball afraid he might get hurt, and I didn't want Mario to play either could I be the one who did this too my babies. I got to the top of the stairs and Brie is standing there, I asked her how much did she hear?

Mommy I heard everything, and you talking to yourself, mama you didn't turn them gay they just are just love them. Has anything changed for you and daddy are you getting a divorce?

Mama said of course not, they just have to learn to talk again, don't worry about that, I did ask her is she going to call them it is time they all talked, mama said she was waiting for them to call her but Mike is so stubborn he may never call. I told mommy he's just like her and she has to talk to them. She just walked to her room and closed the door, I went downstairs and daddy and uncle David were talking, daddy said if mommy won't call my brothers and talk it looks like they'll have to call them, and explain things and why they lived a lie.

Uncle David said he means why he never took responsibility for being there father, and perfect daddy raised them as his own. Daddy said he's not perfect he's made mistakes too, and he didn't say that and what's done is done and Michael doesn't need to hurt anymore its enough what Todd did to him.  And as a father he should've known something was wrong, Michael always seemed unhappy when they came back from Todd's.

I just left, I'll talk to Mike and Mario, I called the office and told Mike to find Mario I need to talk to them, Mike said if its about what he thinks it is leave it alone. The fucker hung up on me, I sped to the office Mike might be upset about what's going on but he doesn't hang up on me, I called him back and his cell went to voice mail, Mike I'm going to get in your ass for hanging up on me, I hung up.

I called the office and I'm told that Mike and Mario are in a meeting and can't be disturbed just wait until I see his ass.

Mike you know sis is going to keep calling, and its time we talked to our folks about this.

Mario what's to talk about mama slept with David not once but twice, okay he's our dad we should've been told that.

Mike maybe mama and daddy and uncle talked about it and decided it was best not to say anything, if daddy stayed with mama he must've forgave her and maybe we should too what's done is done like you said, and my love for any of them hasn't changed its just that David is our pops. Mike can you forgive them?

Mario I'm confused, he said okay be confused but let it go I can't change the past, sis walked in and said how damn dare I hang up on her, I told her I didn't want to talk and what's going on is none of her business let us deal with it.

Mike I'm still your sister and I care about both of you, now will you talk to mommy and daddy and uncle David and move on so that you can be happy with Ty.

Okay I'll talk to them, sis said she knows me when, damn girl fine I'll talk to them this evening now will you leave some of us still work here, sis kissed me and said it will be alright and I just have another father the family still loves us. She left and Mario said sis is something else, I said yeah what she didn't know is I was already thinking about talking to our folks. I have to move on I'm not going to let this keep me from being happy with Ty.

I asked Mario any plans about moving in with Clay sense he's always at his place, Mario said there looking for a place, Clay's lease is up next month and Sid and Logan are looking for a place Logan got transferred down here so there place is kinda crowded.

Mario I'll be honest with you, he said I didn't think their relationship would last, yeah bro but I can see that you guys are good for each other.  How about you guys come over tomorrow night for dinner, he said okay Mario said he better get back to work and we'll just go to our folks spot and talk, he left my office yeah talk to our folks.

Later we went to my parents house Brie said see all we need to do is talk, we did and Mario told them nothing has changed he still loves them only now he has a daddy and a father, uncle asked me how do I feel about all of this. I told him I guess I feel the same way Mario does we can't change what happen, and I don't want to know why mama and him ended up together.

Mama said I don't need to know that, she told Mario to sit up in his chair mama will not stop being who she is controlling, David asked for a hug we gave him one, daddy asked for one too and he's never really did that. Mama told us she wants the family to have dinner soon, Mario said only if Clay is welcome he's apart of his life, I told mama I want Ty here too, mama said fine they can come she just wants her babies back. I told mama I have to go Mario and I left he asked me did I feel better, I told him a lot is going to change for us but I'm okay I got in my car and headed home.

When I got there Ty met me at the door, he said I'm late how was my day, I told him, bae asked me how did I feel about talking to my parents about what happen. I told him its going to take awhile to get use to this but I have him Ty kissed me, and he took my hand and walked me to our room he said after we finish doing I know what we'll have dinner, Ms. Parker went to the movies so we have the house to ourselves I really need Ty right now.

Not just sexually, I love having sex with him, but for him to just understand how I feel and he's done that.

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