Issue 1

137 2 0

Clementine sat outside her teacher's office. It was a Monday, and Clementine basically wanted to go home, but her teacher insisted on her staying behind after class to discuss something, she couldn't deny that she was worried. Had she done something wrong?

Clementine's teacher Mr Flood. (His first name Abel) opened the door. "Clementine I'll speak to you now." Abel requested, Clementine silently followed him into the office. Abel gestured towards a seat in front of his desk. "Take a seat." Abel requested, Clementine sat down in the seat.

"You wanted to see me Mr Flood." Clementine told him, with a nervous tone. Abel smiled at Clementine. "Calm down Clementine. You're not in trouble. In fact quite the opposite." Abel told her.

Clementine looked confused. "Um..." Clementine mumbled. "I wanted to call you in, because of how well you've been doing in a lot of your classes." Abel told her, much to her shock. "You've gotten the best grades in my maths, history and geography class." Abel listed, with a sense of pride in his voice.

Clementine's eyes were wide. "I... uh... thank you, sir." Clementine thanked him, barely believing that she had such good grades.

Abel smiled at Clementine again. "I just wanted to say that if you keep this up, you'll be on track to becoming a police officer." Abel encouraged her, he then waved his hand towards the door. "You can go now." Abel dismissed.

Clementine exited Abel's office, and went home. At home, she had dinner with her parents, texted goodnight to Violet, then she went to bed almost at the same time as her adopted little brother, AJ. 

Clementine woke up the next morning with a start, she tried to get her breathing under control.

Another nightmare about Lee, her uncle who'd been shot dead in front of her by one of his friends, Lilly. She missed him everyday.

Clementine looked towards her alarm clock it read '11:00' am. Almost 3 hours after school started. She was late again, her alarm must not have gone off.

Clementine was too tired anyway, she'd wanted to go to bed early to distract her from the weird news reports of a virus, which freaked her out.

She stumbled across her room, and got dressed quickly, she threw on her pants, grey hoodie and leather jacket over the hoodie, she also put on her cap which Lee gave to her.

"Mom? Dad?" She called out, wondering where her parents were, usually they were around when she woke up, but maybe they had to start work early or something.

She shrugged it off and grabbed her bag, she had to go to school after all, she went to the front door and opened it.

As soon as she opened the door two bodies with their faces gnawed off, greeted her.

"What the fuck?" Clementine exclaimed, startled. She Then realised these were dead bodies and started freaking out, "oh my god, what the fuck, what the fuck?" She repeated.

She looked down and noticed how familiar these faces looked to her despite them not even looking human anymore, they were her parents "oh my god." She whispered, she knelt down besides them.

Tears came to her eyes, her parents were dead.

She rushed to the living room and picked up the phone, intending on calling 911, the phone rung, but there was no answer.

Clementine huffed "what the fuck is going on." She turned back towards her parents, "no, no this has to be a bad dream. Come on Clem wake up." She smacked herself, which only proved to hurt herself.

This wasn't a dream then, this was real. It couldn't be. But it had to be.

"Who the hell did this?" Clementine wondered.

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