Issue 9

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The next morning, Clementine woke up and looked to the other side of the bed "Violet?" Clementine asked.

Violet shushed Clementine. "shhh, you'll wake him up." Violet whispered, pointing to AJ.

Clementine blushed, sheepishly. "Oh sorry. How long have you been up?" Clementine asked.

Violet had a small smile on her face. "a few minutes... a half hour I wasn't really keeping track. Not too long. Look at AJ, he looks so peaceful he hasn't slept like this for a while." Violet mused.

Clementine frowned at AJ. "I can't imagine how hard all of this must be on him. Abel... Aasim... all of it really. I don't know how I'm coping with it." Clementine admitted.

"That's what I've been thinking about, this baby will never know what the world was like. Hell... AJ won't really remember much of it before long. He'll never know what it's like to get a driver's licence or go see a movie with a girl." Violet muttered.

Violet shook her head. "Clem, do you think we'll ever be able to fix everything?" Violet asked, looking directly into Clementine's eyes.

Clementine looked down at AJ's sleeping form "I don't know. I hope so." Clementine wished.

In the other room, Marlon and Brody had gotten themselves into an awkward situation. Somehow Marlon had managed to get his arm underneath Brody's neck, while they both slept.

"I-um... sorry. I guess I- in my sleep... uh." Marlon awkwardly apologised.

Brody turned to look at Marlon with a smile, grabbing a hold of Marlon's arm when he tried to pull away. "No Marlon... it's okay really, I like it." Brody promised.

So Marlon allowed his arm to stay stuck under Brody's neck despite how uncomfortable it was for him.

On the other side of the room, Sophie and Tenn had just woken up. Sophie noticed that Tenn seemed to be staring off into space, so she spoke up. "What are you thinking?" Sophie asked Tenn.

Tenn jumped slightly in surprise, making Sophie giggle at her little brother. He was just so adorable to Sophie.

"I didn't know you were awake." Tenn admitted, feeling embarrassed.

"Surprise." Sophie greeted, with mock enthusiasm.

"Clementine and Violet, Marlon and Brody, Ruby and Minnie. They're all happy together. It makes me realise that we're lucky... because the world isn't so great out there, but it's good in here. Because we can rebuild things... like they were before. We're just really lucky." Tenn said, with a smile.

"Y'know that's a good way of looking at things Tenn. how'd you get to be so smart with your two idiot sisters having a big influence on you?" Sophie asked.

"You're not dumb, you're both just smart in different ways... like Minnie understands people a lot, while you're patient with people." Tenn complimented

"You want to have sex?" The pair of them heard Brody say on the other side of the room, interrupting their conversation.

Sophie glared at them both, while Tenn looked confused, he tugged at her sleeve. "Sophie, what's a segs?" Tenn asked, pronouncing sex wrong.

Sophie just glared at Marlon and Brody harder, making them both sheepishly crawl back.

Later on everybody met downstairs. Clementine stood at the front of everyone. "morning everyone, today's the fun part. We're going to split into groups and search through all these houses or as many as we can. We're looking for canned goods and supplies first, and kits... and more importantly, making sure this place is secure and there aren't any houseguests, hiding inside like there was with this one. Keep your guns out and be ready to fire. This is going to be dangerous so keep your eyes open and stay alert. Also keep in mind that we'll all be spreading out into these houses after we secure them, so look them over, if you see one you like... keep it in mind. Looks like there's going to be more than enough to go around." Clementine explained, to everyone in a commanding tone.

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