Issue 10

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"Clementine stop! Don't do it! He's still breathing Clementine! AJ's not dead!" Marlon yelled, trying to make Clementine stop threatening the teenager

Clementine's hostility was immediately replaced by relief and bewilderment. "He's alive? He's alive?" Clementine asked.

Clementine knelt down next to AJ, dropping the teenager onto the floor. Marlon joined Clementine on the floor. "He's breathing!? He's alive!? What the hell do we do? What the hell do we do? We've gotta... what the hell do we do?" Clementine asked frantically.

Marlon was slightly more calm, though his expression was worried. "he's breathing, but he's unconscious... he's lost a lot of blood. We've got to do something to stop the bleeding. There's got to be something we could do!" Marlon started rationalising a plan, but he was quickly growing to be hysterical.

"Yeah, we've got to stop the bleeding. There's a first aid kit at the rv. We need to get him back to the rv." Clementine agreed.

The teenager spoke up. "I live on a farm, I have supplies. My dad was shot in the foot once and I patched him up, I can help you." The teenager offered.

"You can help my brother?" Clementine quietly asked, giving a look that could kill to the teenager.

"I know what to do, we just have to get to my place. It isn't a mile away." The teenager explained.

Clementine listened to the teenager, if he could save AJ, then she had no choice but to trust him. "less than a mile? I- I can do that. Marlon get ready to help roll AJ over onto my coat." Clementine ordered, in a shaky voice, as she took her leather jacket off.

"Slowly." The teenager instructed, as Clementine and Marlon put AJ onto Clementine's leather jacket.

Clementine picked up AJ, gently "I'm going to go to this farm, you go back to the rv and tell everyone what's happened. If it's less than a mile from here you guys should be able to find it pretty easily." Clementine informed Marlon, she then turned to the teenager. "Is it pretty easy to find?" Clementine asked him after a short silence.

"You can see it from the road... if y'all are parked just up yonder. You gotta be on sixty-four. You'll snake around the road and it'll be on your left. It's a little further away by road but you'll find it easily." The teenager explained. "C'mon let's go." The teenager ordered, as he set off towards his farm.

"Lead the way I'll be right behind you." Clementine responded. She turned to look at Marlon. "Marlon tell Violet there's nothing to worry to about." Clementine ordered.

"Okay." Marlon responded, obediently.

Clementine and The teenager sprinted towards the farm. While Marlon jogged back to the rv.

When he got back, immediately Violet talked to him "Marlon! We heard the shot did you guys get anything? Is everything o- where are they? What happened?! Where are they?!" Violet bombarded Marlon with questions, incredibly worried for the fact that Clementine and AJ were nowhere in sight.

"Some guy thought we were zombies... he shot at us! AJ was hit but he's okay, Clementine and this guy are taking AJ back to some farm so the guy can help him, he's okay though... he's just... they're going to-." Marlon explained.

Violet put her hand on Marlon's shoulders, her facial expression was distraught. "where?! Where are they at!? Where!?" Violet practically screamed.

Marlon pointed down the road "it's up the road from here! I know the way. Let's go!" Marlon ordered.

Meanwhile, Clementine and the teenager had just arrived at the farm.

"We need to get him inside." He said, as he threw open the front door and ran inside, Clementine followed behind him.

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