Issue 11

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Clementine's eyes were as wide as saucers "dead ones? What do you mean dead ones?" Clementine asked, panicked.

"You know... the dead ones. All these people up and walking around, going where they shouldn't be, the ones that are causing all of this mess." James explained, thinking it was the most obvious answer in the world.

Clementine narrowed her eyes "and your keeping them on your property? In your barn? Right next to where you sleep?" Clementine demanded, quickly losing any respect that she had for James.

James stared at Clementine defiantly, sensing Clementine's disapproval. "Yeah, I'm keeping them until we can figure out a way to help them. What have you been doing with them?" James asked, dreading the answer.

"What do you think we've been doing with them? You said it yourself, that they should be dead. Shooting them in the head fixes that. We've been killing them." Clementine explained, trying to be calm.

James could hardly believe it, his anger was too much "killing them! You've just been killing them!?" James snapped, his voice raised.

James was drawing some attention to his and Clementine's conversation.

Clementine pointed at the barn "we've been putting them out of their misery, and keeping them from killing us! Those things aren't human, they're undead monsters. They're trying to eat us for god's sake!" Clementine argued, loudly.

James held up his hands, as if physically showing his argument "you don't know why! You don't even know what's wrong with them. Nobody does we don't even know a damn thing about what happened and what's going on." James insisted.

"I know those things are trying to kill us... and that the less of them there are out there, the safer we will be! And I know it's not smart to have a barn of them pinned up thirty feet from your goddamn house!" Clementine yelled.

Clementine pointed at the barn again "we should go into that barn right now and shoot every goddamn one of them in the head. It's not safe for them to be here! We need to kill them, before they kill us!" Clementine screamed.

"My father is in there goddamn it!!!" James suddenly snarled, silencing Clementine.

Clementine stumbled back in disbelief "your father?" Clementine questioned, in a quieter voice.

"Dad was bitten. It was before I put up the barrier around the house. I-I couldn't help him, he died after a couple of days... and turned into one of them. I didn't know what else to do. So I kept dad in the barn. He tried to attack me... to- kill me. But I couldn't kill him... I couldn't bring myself to do that. When I found others... I just... I kept them too." James choked out, tears were clearly welling up in his eyes, and he'd brought his hand up to his face.

Clementine's face softened, she took a step towards James and laid a hand on his arm. "James, I- I'm really sorry. I truly am. I can't imagine what you've been going through. If I had lost AJ, I don't- I don't know what I would've done." Clementine admitted.

"I don't think I could live without my little brother... but you've got to listen to me James. That thing in the barn... it's not your father." Clementine told him, gently but firmly.

James scowled at Clementine, before Clementine could react he shoved her back. "Get your fucking hand off of me!" James ordered, forcefully removing Clementine's hand from his arm.

"Not my father?! What made you such a goddamn expert?! I don't know about you but the zombies around here didn't come with a fucking instruction manual! We don't know a goddamn thing about them. We don't know what they're thinking- what they're feeling. We don't know if it's a disease or some kind of chemical warfare! We don't know shit! For all we know these things could wake up tomorrow, heal up, and be completely normal again! We just don't know! You could have been murdering all of those people you 'put out of their misery'." James loudly argued. Another tear ran down his cheek.

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