Issue 2

47 1 0

Clementine had pretty much walked all day, she'd encountered nobody on her journey, despite it being surprisingly far to her school.

But she couldn't walk much further, her legs were barely holding together.

She noticed a house, so she hopped over the fence and knocked on the front door "anyone home?" She asked.

There was no answer, Clementine assumed nobody was home, but still if there was. "I'm coming in." She called out and turned the doorknob so it would open.

Immediately she smelled something awful and covered her nose, she followed the smell into the living room, and made a disgusted noise.

She covered her mouth as she saw that an entire family had killed themselves with their guns, with flies picking on their body.

She covered her mouth and then ran outside and threw up again. She wiped the bile off her mouth and decided to not go back into the house.

Clementine walked over to the barn and opened it. There was a horse inside.

"Hello" Clementine greeted.

"Hey girl, they leave you in here all alone." Clementine cooed, as she tenderly rubbed the horse's snout.

Clementine grabbed a saddle and continued speaking "I sure could use your help, I need to get to my school and find my girlfriend so I can find my little brother." She put the saddle on the horse.

"You ever been to my school, it's not that far." She whispered to the horse, she loved animals. Except for dogs, she was terrified of them.

She spotted a hatchet "mind if I take this? I think it might come in handy." She asked, though she took it anyway.

She got on the horse and asked "you ready girl?". The horse only whinnied.

So Clementine yelled "let's go!" And set the horse going.

"Slow down girl, I know you've been in that barn a while, but you're gonna wear yourself out." Clementine commented, with the horse's speed it wasn't taking long to get to school.

The horse hopped over another fence, Clementine slowed the horse down. "That's better don't want you passing out before we get to school."

Clementine decided to make some small talk with the horse, though knowing it wouldn't respond "so you got a name?" Clementine asked.

 Obviously the horse was silent, so Clementine quietly decided that if she kept the horse she'd call it whiskers.

"Y'know that's a good idea, talking about the happiest day of my life might get my mind of all of the fucked up shit I've seen recently. I was just relaxing at home, Carley was my uncle's girlfriend, his name was Lee. They both adopted this kid called AJ. And I remember they visited with this little bundle that was just crying, I found it really annoying at first. But I quickly grew to love that kid, when my uncle and Carley got married. They died on the honeymoon, I still miss them. In fact at times they seemed more like parents to me than my actual parents. My parents then adopted AJ." Clementine shook her head.

"Sorry, didn't mean for things to get depressing, the happiest day of my life was when Lee and Carley adopted AJ, because that was the day I met the most important person to me in this world." Clementine finally finished.

Though Clementine bit her lip and swallowed "you know what, on second thought thinking about all the good times just make it worse." She missed Lee and Carley too much and usually whenever she thought about them, she'd go into this trance just remembering them.

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