Issue 5

31 1 0

In a small field, near the school, A crow was nibbling on a dead Walker, however it was startled and flew off when a loud gun shot pierced the air.

Abel and Clementine were teaching the others to shoot. "That's it you're doing a lot better Sophie, a few weeks ago you were all over the place. Now you're nailing almost half your targets." Clementine praised Sophie, they were all at a makeshift shooting range, shooting cans.

"Look at me, I'm a regular sharp shooter." Sophie joked, with a smile.

"Keep it up. You're not that far off." Clementine encouraged.

"I'm nowhere near as good as Minnie but thanks anyway." Sophie replied.

"I think the same could be said about Abel." Clementine responded, impressed with Abel's skills with a firearm,

Clementine walked down the line of people, she passed Louis and Violet who were also shooting cans.

"How's it going?" Clementine asked Abel, once she reached him.

Abel was grinning, while watching the kids shoot. He was startled when Clementine started talking to him. "Huh. Oh, hey Clementine. What's going on?" He asked, with a friendly smile.

"I just gave Sophie some pointers, though I don't think anyone's surprised us like Minnie has here." Clementine said, as she gestured to the redhead.

"Yeah as far as I can tell she's not cheating... and the wind can't be blowing that many cans over. Looks like we've got a phenom on our hands here." Abel agreed with a nod.

Minnie smirked at Clementine and Abel. "It's just pointing and shooting, it's not brain surgery." Minnie teased them.

As she said this, she shot yet another can off the fence.

"Maybe for you, but try telling Violet how easy this is." Clementine whispered to Minnie.

"Oh be nice." Minnie joked.

Clementine then turned to face AJ. "Hey, AJ you ready?" Clementine asked AJ, from where he was sitting with Tenn, Ruby, Willy and Mitch.

"I'm going to go shoot cans." AJ told Tenn as he got up and left.

"Okay" Tenn responded.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on him." Clementine thanked Ruby.

"Sure, as long as you're back here, to help me pack all this up before we leave... consider us even." Ruby responded with a smile.

"Nobody better be using my gun." AJ yelled excitedly, as he sprinted towards the shooting range.

"AJ, slow down." Clementine called, worried for her little brother.

Violet didn't look happy that AJ, a literal six year old was being allowed to carry a gun. She didn't see a need for it.

AJ was nailing his shots though, he managed to shoot the can several times.

"Great job AJ, you're doing great, I'm so proud of you," Clementine praised, fondly ruffling his hair.

"Thanks, Clem." AJ thanked, with a grin.

"Does this mean I get to carry a gun now like everyone else." AJ asked, his face growing serious.

Clementine knelt down to his level and put a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah... yeah I think so" she granted.

After a few more minutes, Abel called out to everyone. "Okay everybody, that'll do for today, start gathering everything up. You're all doing great! I think everyone here is capable of defending themselves at least at a close distance, you should all be pleased with your progress. I was a bit worried when we started three weeks ago, but you've impressed me. Let's start back for the school, it's getting dark." Abel congratulated everyone, he no longer saw a need to go out to this shooting range anymore.

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