Issue 3

41 1 0

Clementine, Violet and AJ were still hugging each other "I- I was so worried about you." Clementine confessed.

Abel walked over to the three of them. "It's good to see you Clementine." Abel greeted, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You too Mr. Flood." Clementine greeted back.

"Mr. Flood helped us get here, we wouldn't have made it without him." Violet said, although she looked slightly unsettled at Abel.

Abel smiled. "Oh please I insist, that you all call me Abel." He looked at everyone with a weird glint in his eyes.

"Okay... Abel. I guess I owe you more than I could ever repay." Clementine thanked him, though took his hand off of her shoulder.

"Please. I just did my duty as a teacher and protected my student." Abel shrugged off the apology.

"Now let me show you who survived." Abel said, as his face took on a more grim note and he began to show Clementine around. Violet and AJ separated themselves from Clementine so she could get around more easy.

Aasim walked over to Louis. "What'd you get, Louis." Aasim asked, as he knelt down besides Louis

"I got some candy bars, some soap detergent and a couple rolls of toilet paper." Louis listed, as he pulled out each of the aforementioned items.

Aasim smiled, that was a good haul. "Great!" Aasim complimented.

Abel pointed to Louis and Aasim. "Obviously you already know Louis survived, so did Aasim as you can see, Ruby's up there keeping watch." Abel pointed to Ruby who waved back. "Mitchell, is over there eating." Abel pointed over to Mitch, who was eating a can of food. "There's Brody." Abel said, as he pointed at her. "Minerva and Sophie made it too, they brought their little brother Tennessee along as well, like Violet did with Alvin junior." Abel said, as he pointed to the ginger girls and their scarred face brother.

"Have you seen William." Abel asked everyone, slightly worried for the kid that everyone else called Willy, he liked all of the kids to generally be in his sight."

Willy walked out from behind some sort of rv. What was an rv doing here? "I'm right here, oh Clementine made it?" Willy asked, as he came into view.

"Yes, Clementine made it." Abel confirmed with a nod.

"That's good news, it's good to see you, Clem." Willy greeted.

"I'll leave you two." Abel said, gesturing to Clementine and Violet. "You two probably have some catching up to do." Abel guessed with a wide smile.

Clementine, Violet and AJ hugged again, as Abel left with Willy.

Later that night. Clementine was sitting at a campfire while Violet came out of her classroom to talk with Clementine.

"I'm so glad you saved this for me." Clementine pointed to the badge, that Violet had made for her, the badge that she'd made for Clementine after they kissed under starlight. "I felt naked without it." Clementine admitted, as she put the badge on.

"Is AJ asleep?" Clementine asked Violet.

"Yeah, finally." Violet responded.

Violet looked down, she looked sad "AJ was refusing to go asleep, unless I was there, Clem. You always told me that he liked to be independent before." Violet said.

"AJ's been through a lot today, we all have." Clementine defended.

"Yeah, I'm sorry that I didn't try and find you, I was going to but..." Violet started, with a guilty look on her face.

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