Issue 12

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Clementine and Violet woke up the next morning, AJ was sleeping in between them.

"Morning Violet. You sleep okay? I gotta say this bed is really doing wonders for me, even with all three of us squeezing into it. I'm sleeping better than I have in-" Clementine noticed Violet wasn't really moving "you okay vi?" Clementine asked.

Violet suddenly covered her mouth. "No morning sickness... it's coming at me, full force today. I don't-" Violet exclaimed.

Violet then suddenly leapt out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom, before she threw up.

AJ opened his eyes, lazily. He didn't move from his spot in bed. "Violet, throwing up again?" AJ asked.

"Yep." Clementine confirmed.

"Oh." AJ mumbled, in response.

In another room, Marlon and Brody were sleeping next to each other whilst laying on a bed, both of them were naked.

James suddenly entered the room. "Marlon, Brody I-" James started, but Marlon and Brody quickly scrambled to cover themselves and James realised what they were doing.

"What the hell are you two doing?!" James demanded, aggressively clenching his fist.

"Oh, James. We... uh. We're just... I'm sorry." Marlon apologised.

"What have you two done!? Charlie and my father haven't been in the ground for twenty four hours and you're doing this! You two make me sick!" James yelled.

"Marlon and I are in love, and I don't care what you think. I barely know you, so you have no right to judge us." Brody Argued.

"He slept here last night because I wanted him to, we aren't just fooling around... I just- my family was poor and we all had to share one bed, in order to get by. I've never slept alone before... I just wanted Marlon near me... because I love him." Brody admitted. Her words touched Marlon's heart.

James looked down in contemplative silence, then without a word he walked out of the room.

Outside, everybody was gathering their things out of the rv and taking them into James' house.

Minnie was right outside the rv, waiting for Ruby. They were the only two who hadn't gone inside yet.

"Ruby, you coming?" Minnie finally asked, as Ruby was taking way longer than expected.

Minnie entered the rv and saw Ruby picking up some stuff, with a sad expression on her face. "Yeah, in a minute. I just wanted to clean up a little. I'm just remembering when this was just me and my dad's place before y'all moved in. I miss my dad. I don't think I'm ever going to get the smell out of it. I think it's seeped into the walls. This place is a wreck. Dad would throw a fit, if he saw it." Ruby chuckled, with a faint smile, which quickly disappeared.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like me talking about my dad." Ruby apologised.

Minnie shook her head, despite her expression being mournful. "No. He was your dad. I understand. It just reminds me about my family... and how Tenn is the only one left." Minnie's bottom lip quivered, when she said that. She felt like she was failing Tenn.

Ruby hugged Minnie. "Don't think of it that way Minnie... I know you miss your parents more than you're willing to admit. And I promised you, I would help you heal, don't worry I already consider you family." Ruby assured.

Minnie blushed and hid her head in Ruby's shoulder, which wasn't easy at all, considering Minnie  was the tallest member of the group, and Ruby was the shortest.

"I know Ruby... I know" Minnie whispered, she felt safe whenever Ruby was around, surprisingly.

"I love you Minnie. I really love you, I swear." Ruby told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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