Issue 7

31 1 0

A few weeks earlier. "I'll kill you before you do that to anyone else." Violet threatened Abel.

Abel grinned, he looked at Violet with lust filled eyes. He suddenly punched her in the stomach, she keeled over and tried not to vomit.

With Violet distracted, Abel grabbed her by the hair and shoved her into the basement.

Abel leaned into Violet's face and breathed on her. "You think you scare me?" Abel taunted.

Abel threw Violet into the wall, it disoriented her for a moment, but she pushed him back and scratched his cheek. Abel ignored the pain though, with a perverted grin. He started to pull Violet's pants down.

Violet realised what he was doing, so she increased her resistance. She was strong. But she was only a teenager. Abel was an adult and he was stronger.

He pulled her pants down, and then he pulled his pants down. "Oh, yeah..." Abel murmured.

Violet slapped him, but it had no effect. "Abel, don't do this." Violet resorted to begging.

Abel didn't care, he thrust inside of her. He didn't care if he was hurting her, which he was.

Violet whimpered, and tried to push him back, she failed.

He kept on pushing and thrusting inside of Violet. "Please stop." Violet pleaded.

Abel just let out a low moan of pleasure, he needed this release. And there was nothing more arousing to Abel than having someone under his control.

He cummed inside of her and got fully dressed again.

He tossed his pants to her. "Don't you ever tell anyone what happened here, otherwise that boy AJ. Well, I might just take him hunting one day... and I might just get attacked by those monsters." Abel threatened, before he left her alone in the basement, curled up in a fetal position with blood in between her thighs.

In present time, Abel was being buried and a funeral was being hosted for him.

Nobody was really mourning Abel, though. Even a blind person could have seen that Abel was becoming unhinged, and for him to try to kill Clementine? What kind of a person could kill a teenager?

Clementine glanced at everyone, noticing that nobody seemed to want to give a eulogy about Abel, she decided to cut the funeral short. "All right then." Clementine announced, signifying that the funeral was over.

Everybody walked away, except for Violet. Clementine noticed this and watched her in curiosity.

Violet just spat on Abel's grave. "You son of a bitch" Violet growled at Abel's grave.

Mitch walked over to Clementine and began speaking with her. "What a day, huh?" Mitch commented to Clementine "Abel... I trusted him, he was kind to everyone, hell we all trusted him." Mitch noticed.

Clementine shook her head. "I never thought that Abel, the adult. would just snap like that... he just... lost it." Clementine responded, unsettled by the event. "We weren't exactly friends but I'd known him for years... I thought I knew him pretty well... or maybe he was just always like that deep down. Either way this shit we're in is not to be taken lightly. if it can change Abel, so drastically then we're in deeper shit than we thought. I just-." Clementine stopped and stared back at Violet.

Clementine noticed that Violet still hadn't moved from Abel's grave, so she stood and watched her. "I better hang back... let her catch up. We'll talk later." Clementine told Mitch.

Later when they were all back at the school, Clementine walked up to Minnie who was still trying to comfort Ruby.

"How's she doing?" Clementine asked Minnie, once she'd exited Ruby's room.

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