Issue 8

21 1 0

"P-pregnant?" Clementine stammered, startled by the revelation and also angry at Abel.

Though angry was a bit of an understatement.

Clementine tried her best to swallow down her anger and guilt, so she could remain calm, though. "When did that happen?" Clementine asked, eventually.

Violet's breath hitched for a second. "When you and Louis went into town to get some guns Abel raped me... he was too strong. About a week ago I noticed that I hadn't had my period this month, and I also woke up feeling sick today too and I don't feel like eating right now. These are all symptoms of pregnancy Clem." Violet explained.

"Are you sure?" Clementine asked, to make sure.

"I'm sure, this can't just be a coincidence. There's no doubt in my mind I'm pregnant." Violet confirmed.

"are you okay?" Clementine asked, referring to the fact that Violet had been raped.

"I- yeah I'm fine." Violet stuttered.

"What are we going to do?" Clementine asked

They were both silent. "I don't know." Violet eventually said. "I'm asking you." Violet told Clementine, as she began walking back to the campfire.

Clementine followed her back to the camp, her entire world doing a complete 180 in her mind. She hadn't been expecting what had just happened at all, and now she felt like she'd failed Violet, she'd allowed that bastard Abel to rape her.

Mitch noticed Clementine and Violet coming back to the camp. "Everything okay?" Mitch asked, noticing that neither of them looked happy.

Violet took in a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." She muttered.

Everybody sat there in shocked silence. "but how? Clementine's a girl." Louis asked, clearly confused.

Violet closed her eyes and shook her head. "I was raped." Violet mumbled even lower.

Immediately everybody rushed up towards her, a general chorus of: "how?", "Who", and "are you okay?" Echoing through the crowd.

"Yes I'm fine." Violet said, over all the over voices "that's not important, I- I just wanted to tell you the news." Violet mumbled.

"Sorry vi... We're just worried. We got no doctors, no hospital. What are you going to do?" Sophie asked, her facial expression was one of panic and worry.

Clementine tried to get everyone to calm down. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Clementine assured. "This is fine." Clementine stated, trying to put a smile on her face... she thinks it worked.

Everybody reluctantly returned to their meals, but everyone kept on giving sympathetic looks to Violet, every once in a while.

Later that night, everybody was getting into the rv, so they could sleep.

Clementine was putting out the fire, by pouring water to douse the flames.

Ruby was with her, both of them noticed that it was beginning to snow. "Shit, it's starting to snow. Did we boil enough water to fill all the bottles we have?" Clementine asked.

"Just about, it's a good thing we found the creek when we did." Ruby commented.

Ruby then reluctantly asked Clementine "Clem? About Abel... you don't think that he was the one who... you know." Ruby trailed off.

"Look Ruby... just drop it okay?" Clementine snapped, not wanting to talk about this situation at all, she wanted to just pretend it wasn't happening. But she couldn't.

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