Issue 6

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Aasim was inside trying to rest up. He was in bed and battling a hard fever, Ruby was by his side.

"Do you need more blankets?" Ruby asked him.

"No... I'm fine." Aasim slurred.

Ruby rubbed a rag with cold water onto Aasim's forehead. "This should cool you down." Ruby said.

"Thanks." Aasim responded.

Aasim chuckled bitterly. "My sister got bit, she managed to survive the walkers but she turned in a couple of hours, didn't have the strength to kill her. No one's ever lasted more than a day after being bitten... guess I'm lucky." Aasim muttered, he sounded so tired.

It made tears spring to Ruby's eyes.

"Maybe you won't turn, nobody knows anything for sure." Ruby suggested.

"Yeah." Aasim breathed, he didn't really believe it though.

Ruby couldn't stand to look at Aasim in this state any longer and left.

"If you need anything, just give us a yell. Someone will come get me if I don't hear." Ruby informed Aasim, just before she left, without looking at him,

Ruby left the room, just outside the room was Mitch. "Thanks for checking in on him. All the other girls are too scared to touch him and he won't let any of the men touch him." Mitch thanked, once she'd closed the door, he too was worried for Aasim. Everyone was.

"How is he?" Mitch asked. Ruby's face fell. "Worse." Ruby answered, looking dejected.

"My dad was bitten and it only took half a day for him to turn, Aasim has all of the same symptoms. It's just taking longer for him." Ruby explained.

Ruby and Mitch started to walk down the corridor. "He says his whole body is freezing but he'd almost burn ya if ya touch him. He's still got his wits though... we'll see." Ruby finished.

"Maybe it won't happen to him." Mitch suggested, but his confidence wasn't too high.

"Yeah..." Ruby mumbled dishearteningly, as they stepped outside.

Meanwhile in the forest, Clementine and Abel were hunting again, Clementine had brought AJ along, despite Abel's obvious disapproval.

Clementine bent down to AJ's level. "No shooting today AJ. Just watch us and stay quiet." Clementine whispered.

"Aw, Clem!" AJ whined, loudly.

"Quiet!" Abel snapped, making him receive a glare from Clementine. "you don't want to scare our dinner away." Abel reasoned, slightly more calmly now.

"Sorry." AJ apologised, intimidated by the tall man.

Clementine, Abel and AJ continued to walk through the forest. After a few minutes, Abel suddenly put his hands up to stop Clementine and AJ.

Clementine could faintly hear rustling in some bushes nearby. A rabbit suddenly sprang out , Abel raised his rifle and shot the rabbit dead.

Clementine smiled at Abel, trying to evoke a conversation out of him. "Good one, few more of those and we'll be set." Clementine complimented.

Abel just gave her the cold shoulder and walked over and collected the dead rabbit in silence.

AJ began to speak. "We don't have to get as much as usual Clem, Aasim's too sick too eat." AJ pointed out.

"I know AJ... I know." She mumbled, feeling guilty, despite her having done all that she could.

"God dammit! Clementine it's not my fucking fault!" Abel suddenly shouted at her.

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