Issue 4

43 1 0

Later the same night, whilst everyone slept, Abel sat on top of the roof of the rv keeping watch.

"Psst." A voice hissed at Abel. He jumped and turned only to find that it was just Clementine, Abel gave a small sigh of relief.

Clementine then climbed up the roof to join Abel. "Jesus Clementine, don't sneak up on me like that." Abel whispered.

"Sorry I was just trying to get up here, without waking anyone up." Clementine apologised, as she sat next to Abel.

"Well next time, throw a rock or something... you scared me half to death. Especially with what happened earlier today." Abel joked with a toothy, weird grin.

Clementine looked slightly uncomfortable. "Yeah... that's actually what I came here to talk about." Clementine elaborated. "Oh?" Abel responded, confused.

"We need to move camp, it's not smart to be next to Atlanta when it's full of those things. It's too dangerous." Clementine calmly, explained her idea.

Abel shook his head, as if thinking the very idea was preposterous. "Are you crazy?! What happens when the government starts cleaning this mess up, they'll have to start with populated areas like towns and cities... they'll find us faster if we stay here." Abel responded, raising his voice slightly.

Clementine continued to try and make Abel see her side, though. "When are they coming Abel? Tomorrow? Next week? It's already winter and it's cold. It's only going to get colder. Not to mention what happened yesterday, it's too risky, to stay so damn close to them." Clementine responded.

Abel took a breath to calm down "it's too risky to go somewhere else. The campfires are keeping us warm. There's plenty of firewood in this area, we'll be fine here. This is the best place to be for the rescue." Abel insisted, looking angry despite his attempts to calm down.

Clementine narrowed her eyes, slightly frustrated by Abel's stubbornness. "What makes you so sure we're even being rescued? Sophie almost died yesterday. what if it was one of the kids, what if it was AJ? Nobody was prepared for this Abel, almost none of us know how to fight." Clementine continued.

Clementine laid a hand on Abel's shoulder "if we go someplace safer, maybe we won't need to be rescued so soon. I'd rather be able to get a good nights sleep than have to sit up at night and hope the governments still intact and is going to find us." Clementine concluded, she was satisfied with her explanation and was sure Abel would agree with her.

To her surprise though, Abel shrugged off the hand. "No dammit!" Abel snapped. "We're staying right here! We're safe here! Yesterday is one of very few isolated incidents. This is the safest place to be. Clementine... I can protect these kids, we'll be rescued here. If we hide in the country, it could take months for them to find us." Abel glared at Clementine "we've got to stay here." He announced, his tone leaving no room for arguments.

Clementine gave up at that point. "Okay... if you feel that certain, that it's the best thing for us... fine. We'll stay." Clementine granted, making Abel calm down. "But if we're going to try and hold out here, we're going to need more guns, if Sophie had been carrying one yesterday, she could've turned around and shot that thing. Everyone here is going to need a gun at all times." Clementine concluded.

Abel looked to be considering the idea. He was silent then he asked himself. "How are we going to find enough guns for that?"

Clementine assumed that he was talking to her, so she assured "don't worry, I'll figure something out."

Their discussion was louder than they were intending, though. Ruby came outside and interrupted their conversation. "Hey, can you keep it down up there?! Some of us are trying to sleep." Ruby harshly whispered from the bottom of the rv.

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