1. Off to India.

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Natalie's P.O.V :

"What?! Mom you can't do this! I'm so small!" I, Natalie Horan said in between of my cry.

"Well your works aren't so small! Twelve year old girl never does such mischievous stuffs!" Mom said with all angry red eyes.

"Mom! She is small now. She will understand in a year or two. Please don't send her so far! I will look after her." My fourteen year old brother Niall said.

"No she is still going to the hostel." Mom said in a normal tone.

"Hostel is okay but Here in Ireland. Mom! Why India?" Niall freaked out.

"I'm embarrassed of her! She has spoiled my name! So she is going away! Its just four years Niall." Mom snapped at him and walked away.

"Its okay baby sister. Its all gonna be okay. I and Greg love you a lot. You don't need to worry." Niall said while patting my back.

"OK? Seriously? I'm going seven seas away from Ireland! All alone! I'm just 12. And you tell me to calm down?" I said while in half cry and half anger.

"Hey Nati! Baby I will visiting you all time. Don't you worry. Well I'm eighteen Mom can't stop me!" Greg my oldest brother said with a smirk.

"I love you both." I said while hugging them.

*5 Days later*

"You better don't try to get late! We have to be get going for airport." Mom shouted.

"I'm not mom! I'm not!" I said while getting sitted inside a car.

"Here we are." Dad said while pulling over in Airport parking lot.

"I love you. I will see you soon! Be happy." Both of my brothers greeted me.

"Angel! I'm sorry but I'm your mom. I want you to be good. And make me proud rather than embarrassed!" Mom said in a way as if she was concerned.

"Fine mom bye!" I said while walking with Dad.

Dad were coming with me to India just to set me up in the Hostel. I don't know How am I going to live in India. Like New country New people New language. God don't let anything go wrong please! Fingers crossed!

*Flight landed*

"Omg! Dad I can't be here...."

A/N : Wohhho! Yaay I finally started this story. I wanted to start it a couple of months earlier but couldn't due to exams! But now I'm all free! Its my vacations yaay! Well I know the first chapter is small. I just wanted to say First Five chapters are going to be small but rest long. I love you all x



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