14. Missing!

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Hey guys i know its been a long time its already april! Time is so fast but my schedule was so tight but from today i will surely update once a week as now all the chapters are going to be super exciting !! So enjoy the chapter!

*Natalie's POV *

Came back from Mom's house like an hour ago but i don't know why i'm not able to sleep. harry is just running through my mind. all these years I thought meeting harry would be the most amazing thing. but now its certainly not. I thought one day when he'll fall in love with me it would magical. It was, few hours ago. even though he doesn't love me i wouldn't have felt bad but what hurts is knowing that all this time media was right. All this time supporting was wrong because he surely uses a woman. Didn't believe it back then but now it is the truth of my life. So was all the things he did in front of the directioners was false? was he just trying to make an impression? so does this mean that i was in love with a fake harry? and that i don't even know the real one. Now I am not gonna step back . I will work hard enough to do something good in my life. Good enough that i don't miss harry.

Thinking about life i didn't notice it was already morning, life sometimes is such a bitch. Until yesterday I was the happiest human and now i don't even want to be a human.

*door bell rings*

God knows who is here right now. "Vidhi! please check who that is?"

"sure thing" she yelled from her room i think.

I thought I should get down now so that if its something about me then she doesn't have to yell again. As i got down i saw Vidhi and Niall chatting and laughing. These two are so cute together like they didn't know each other so well but the air around surely said that there's going to be something.

"hey how are you?" Niall asked as he noticed that i was down. for an instance i was gonna greet back but when i remembered what he did to me i just ignored him and went near the couch and took a seat.

"I know you are mad at me. I know that i shouldn't have reacted that way. But swear to god i didn't tell him to break up with you. I thought that it was a bad idea but harry made me realize that he was genuinely mad for you. That he loves you since the day he saw your picture. After having a talk we sat and had a drink as well. But then he got a call and in a minute door was banging with you yelling. I thought it would be a bad idea to talk to you that time so i just left. Trust me." he said looking straight into my eyes. I don't know why but it felt like he wasn't lying. But if he wasn't lying then why did he do this?

"then why on earth did he do that?" i cried.

"maybe that phone call ?" Vidhi said.
It seemed like maybe she is right. Maybe there was someone on the phone who made him do this. This means that all the theories that i developed the whole night are totally wrong. And harry is not a bad person. This instantly formed a smile on my face.

"Hold that for now. I'm just going to talk to him at his place." Niall said.

"Wait. I'll tag along. Just wait until i take a bath." i quickly told him and came back up.

*Niall's POV*

Nati just went back up. I felt a bit nervous around Vidhi. Like she's really pretty and I may like her. I don't know.

"hey do you want some breakfast?" she asked. No i want you. Well that is not exactly what I told her.

"no thanks" I simply said smiling. I hope she doesn't think I'm a complete retard who is just smiling like that.

*Vidhi's POV*




"ok cool. Talk to you later I have to do my chores." I lied because if I stood there for more then I would have turned into a freak.

*Natalie's POV*

So i just put on the best outfit i own thinking that i'm gonna be back with harry any time soon. I quickly headed downstairs so that i don't be any more late then i already am.

"lets go" i said as i got down.

"Ok. Uh..Bye Vidhi!!!" he yelled towards the kitchen as we were moving out. i wonder now how close they have got but what is she doing in the kitchen? maybe eating breakfast?


"I CANNOT WAIT. SPEED UP" I didn't know why i was yelling. but Niall seemed to be ok as he was smiling while looking how excited I was. Which reminded me that i needed to apologize to him.

"Uh..Listen..I'm really sorry for what all i told you earlier."

"It's fine. At least now I know how madly in love you are with harry."

I just smiled and looked through window until we reached. With all the energy I had in my lungs i yelled FINALLY and ran straight up. As i reached his apartment i rang the door bell and waited impatiently. He didn't answer. It was 5 minutes now. Niall came up after parking the car and asked why am i still here? i told him that he wasn't answering..

"wait i have a spare key" he said. he opened the door.

We were assuming that he must be sleeping but he wasn't home. It was strange. Niall said he doesn't leave his apartment at this time in morning. I thought something was wrong. then i noticed his macbook was on. I thought i should go and check. After i reached there i noticed an opened document of WORD. There was something written on it. it had heading DEAR NATALIE so I panicked and started reading it.


I sent letters to basically all the important people of my life. But i had no guts to send you this letter maybe because i betrayed you by just letting you go even if I'm mad for you. That too so rudely. I'm sorry I had to, if not for me for you. today I left. And i'm not planning on meeting any of my friends or family ever. Had to leave. I'm somewhere you will never find me. At least that is what I'm praying. Say sorry to all the fans from my behalf , Tell them I love all of them very much. And about you, You are young and very pretty. You will surely find someone who will stay with you and wouldn't be an asshole like me. Move on, honey. That will be the best gift from you to me. Bye! take care of yourself, don't do anything stupid after reading this.



A/N : So how was the chapter? did you guys like it? I know the end was very emotional. next chapter is going to be very interesting! keep reading! NEXT CHAPTER NEXT SUNDAY!


All the love x


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