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*Natatlie's POV*

The moment i finished reading that letter i realised that harry had ran away, away from me, his family, 1D, directioners. Why on earth did this happen. i had no idea that he was miserable or going through something really bad that he had to leave. The letter mentioned me as the reason. Who told him to leave me? i didn't have any psycho lover or stalker who would make harry go. Like to me harry is a strong guy. He will certainly not run away just because someone gave him a threat. confusion, sadness, questions surrounded me. Before i could react my eyes were shutting, everything was blacking out. I don't know what is happening but its very bad...

*Niall's POV*

Before i could go over there  and read what she is reading .. she collapsed. i reached running towards her, sprinkled drops of water but no reaction . Quickly i lifted her and took her to the hospital. God knows what was there in that mac that she fainted seeing it. i will go and check out once the doctor says she is fine.

*doctor comes out*

"So how is she? is she fine? why did she collapse ? is it something serious?" i started asking the doctor questions, i had to know every bit of the information related to my sister.

"what does she eat? like in her daily meal?" he asked me.                                                                                                                         I was shocked. I thought she fainted because of seeing something unusual but this turns out something else. So this means there was nothing on that mac.

"Normal food. Totally vegetarian. Why? what is it? "

"she collapsed because of high blood pressure. It is very rare in youngsters like you guys, It may happen because of highly salted food or a sudden shock. Did she had a shock?" the doctor informed me.

well, so we are back on track with the older one that something is there on that Mac. I have to find out.

"I think i should just go and talk to her? is she awake? " i asked him so that i could be over with the mystery

"yeah! but see to it that she doesn't get a shock again. it would be difficult to handle her if this happened again."

"i will make sure nothing happens."

i entered the room, saw her staring towards the ceiling. i really think harry should be here. he would handle her so well but where the hell is that idiot.

"heyy NATIPU! " i greeted with all the energy i had. But i still got a sour reply... just a smile. After a minute of silence she actually opened her mouth to say something..

"Did you check your mail? in your phone?" she asked with raised eyebrows and a sad look..

God knows what am i gonna get in my mails. Without replying to her i quickly unlocked my phone to check my mails. I had an unread mail from Harry. i became quite nervous.. is it something in this letter that has brought my sister to the hospital. After reading the letter from Harry i realised what brought her here and what was there on that mac.

I got a quick sympathetic look from her. I saw a tear shed down her cheeks. God why you always bring trouble in  her life..

"Niall you go and talk to the other boys.. i will be fine here by myself.  " she insisted. i couldn't say no as i needed to talk to the others about this , its quite important. giving her  a warm good bye hug i left.

*Natalie's POV*

So he left and my eyes are so heavy right now as i haven't slept the whole night. With that i fell asleep.

*12 hours later*

Wow! i slept for like 12 hours. And no one waked me up? great!  i tried to stand up as i slept way too much that my head is blasting. I think i should take a bath to get refreshed. As i was standing up i noticed an envelope beside me on the bed. Assuming it is for me i opened it. It was horrifying me as the heading was again DEAR NATALIE


                       Don't panic. I'm going to find a way back to you even after so many difficulties. Please do not harm yourself , stay healthy. All the love xox

                                                                                               -Not your HARRY

That horrified the shit out of me. So i have a stalker now? And he is someone I know? who is going to find a way back to me. I don't think i know someone who was in love with me ? Oh god harry is in danger because of me.
But i think harry is a bit smart and he won't fall for this shit. Then what actually happened? What conversation did harry have on that phone? I have to find out.

*calling Niall*

"Where are you? I haven't seen you since the morning? Leave that i'm going to file a missing report to the cops so that they can help us. Talk to you later." With that i hung up and asked doctor to give me a discharge.

A/N : Hello guys!! Cliffhanger! wasn't it? Is this letter from the person who forced Harry to go away or are they two different people with two different motives?
Comment what you think!
See you all next sunday!
All the love x


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