12. Are You fking Serious?!?

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Natalie's POV :

He was coming more close. I was scared af thought he would slap me (although we know Harry would never do that)
Close.. More close


After good 15 seconds we drifted apart with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"Don't say that again.. I'm truly madly deeply in love with you" he said with his legendary raspy voice.

"Uh..uh.. I thought.. U know.. I-" I was cut off

"Sshhhh.." He muttered.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love ya more." I smiled.

"So will you be my extraordinary phenomenal amazing fabulous brilliant girlfriend?" *if you know what I did there*

"Yes." I said silently as I was shivering a lot.

We hugged. Kissed cuddled for long time. Until he left.

*At Night*

"Fking hell! I can't believe your THE HARRY STYLES' GIRLFRIEND! OMG!" vidhi yelled out everything of her system. *excited bae*


"No babe. This is the truth and thanks to both of you for being so happy for me. Love ya two." I said in Happiness.

"We love yaa too!" They said in unison.

And I chuckled again.

We had a good group hug.


"Hey Niall!" I greeted Niall as he came inside.

"Hey Nati! What's so special today? You look in a good mood." He said with raised eyebrows.

"Uh.. yeah I need to tell you something.." I said.

"Yeah Honey go ahead why are you so nervous?" He asked.

"You know I always keep your secrets safe. And you can trust me. And you know-"

"I'M DATING HARRY!" I yelled it out before he completed. I couldn't wait.

"You are what?!?" He shouted.

I was shocked. He never used to shout at me like that.

"I'm dating Harry." I mumbled.

"What Harry?" He asked as if he doesn't know.

He was asking as if I was talking about some vegetable he didn't know about.

"Harry Edwards Styles." I said as if it was the most obvious statement.

"Are you fking serious?!?" He asked.

"Yes. But what's bad in that?" I simply asked.

"No. No. No. This is not happening. He is not fooling around with my sister. He better not. Bye I'm gotta go talk to him." he quickly said the last statement while the former statements were slow.

Before I could stop him. He went pass the door even though I called him out a lot of time. I hope he doesn't hit him. I better let Harry know about the upcoming Strom..

A/N : Ik ik this chapter is short too sorry. But I had exams n stuff. I will be updated once in two weeks. I hope you guys understand my feelings. As I'm doing Engineering so.. Thanks for understanding. Love ya guys!



MIDNIGHT DREAMS {A Harry Styles fanfiction} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now