10. ViNi

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Harry's P.O.V:

Why this has to happen with me? Like Wtf! This is the first time I have fallen in love and it turns out that she's in love with my best friend! I have never been so annoyed.

"Harry?" Some girl spoke. I didn't turn around. I was way too pissed.

"Harry??!" She shouted and I turned around and discovered that it was Eleanor. She's my friend since I was a little boy. Like I introduced Louis and Eleanor. If the girl I'm in love with will ruin their love life then this is going to be worse than hell.

"Harry!" She yelled at me.

"What?!" I snapped. I was in a deep thought and she's annoying me.

"What happened to you? You ain't replying me from when! I'm shouting like an idiot." She spoked.

"Sorry! Was just thinking about something." I said.

"About Natalie and Louis right? Same here!" She told me due to which I got a quick shock.

How does she know that I'm in love with Natalie? How? When?

"Like I saw her talking to Louis earlier and now Louis just grabbed her hand and took her away. I can't see both of them here. She's going to destroy my relationship!" Eleanor almost cried. I couldn't help but lend her my shoulder.

I started wondering that where the hell did Louis take Nati? Why? For what? If he's thinking of leaving Eleanor for Natalie then I'll smack him in the face.


Natalie's P.O.V :

"What the hell Louis! Why did you bring me out of lunch! And losen your hold!" My hand is paining.

"First you tell me that who are you in love with? I'm not leaving you until then. For sure." He stated.

Looking at him I clearly concluded that he isn't gonna leave me until I just tell him. But if I tell him that he will tell Harry. What If Harry started Hating me? What if he just hooked up with me for time pass! I can't afford that. But THIS GUY holding my hand is not going to listen to me. I have to tell him.

"Fine. But you ain't telling Harry. I mean he should not know anything about it from anyone? Is that cool?" I spoked up.

"So you are saying that you're in love with Harry?" He asked me with raised eyebrows.

Sure this guy is sassy.

"Yup. Him. Harry. Yes." I said.

"Oh my God. This is miracle. Bless! God bless!" He started dancing and blessing me and thanking God.

"Harry will not know about it right?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Sure." He said and went away leaving me standing alone at the particular street. I thought to walk back my bungalow rather than home or the lunch. I will order a pizza.

I started walking as my new house was near by. When I reached halfway I heard a girl scream from behind me. I was scared like what the hell happened to her?

"Are you Natalie Horan?" The girl asked shaking.

"Yes." I said while moving my head.

"Are you Niall Horan's sister?" She asked halfcrying.

"Ye-" I didn't even complete my word and she started dancing. Well I know my fellow directioners love the boys' family too. But now facing that situation is kinda weird.

"Can I get a picture with you?" She asked.

"Of course. And you know what? You're the first directioner I'm clicking a picture with as Niall Horan's Sister." I said smiling.

MIDNIGHT DREAMS {A Harry Styles fanfiction} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now