5. The Horan Hug.

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Natalie's P.O.V :

"Omg! Are you like lying or.. Pranking us or something like that? Huh?" Ann said after spitting the coffee that was in her mouth.

"She's probably joking. Like the last time we asked her she said no plus even Niall didn't mention he had a sister. I saw his Audition like 20 times. He hasn't mentioned her. She's joking." Vidhi said as if she was completely sure about this.

"I will tell you everything but at night. Tomorrow is a Sunday. We are free so." I said .

"Fine." They said in unison which made me chuckle.

I don't know how to tell them and what to? Like I don't have any idea if they will believe. I mean, yeah! They may believe me they are my BESTFRIENDS but what if they don't ? They will think that I'm an another flaunting European. But I have got no choice now. I have try now.


"So? Tell us now." Vidhi said as we sat on the floor in a triangle. Where I was the common vertices and they were the base. Wait? I'm crazy. Why am I talking about geometry. Get to the point Nena. Get to it.

"Umm.. He's my second older brother. Mom always loved Niall more than me or Greg. He was a pampered one. But the closest to me. He loved me the most. I know I look like a sico sister but I'm saying the truth. We had the best bonding. Until I reached airport to board for India. He tried to stop mom to not let me go. But he failed. Days past, Months past, even years now. No sign of his message or a call or a letter. Nothing. He didn't even meet me. Whe-- " I was cut of by a concerned Ann. I know She cares for me. That's why I love her.

"That's horrible. Why did he do that?" She asked in complete questioned face. Vidhi just nodded. As she had a soft corner for Niall so I don't expect her to say anything.

"When I saw his audition on X factor where he didn't mention me, I cried a lot. Like to bits!! I was so sad. Greg told me that the ignoring and staying away from me thing was for his bright future. It was planned by my Mother. She wanted him to be away from me. Niall never listened to Mom when it was to me. I don't know why did he do this time. I miss him. Its 1.8 yrs to go. I don't know if it will be the same bonding. I don't know anything." I finished talking but the tears started streaming off my face making my nose red.

We all talked about the situation. The girls told me that it will be all like it was back then. I don't need to exaggerate my worries. I started teasing Vidhi calling her my Bhabhi XD *sister -in-law* She didn't really mind me teasing her as she was busy blushing. Well my brother and my best friend. What do u think? I think it would be Awesome since even Vidhi sings like I do.

*25th December*

"Merry Christmas!" I greeted both of my favourite girls as I woke up.

Here, In India, its only the youngsters and the Christians mostly celebrating Christmas. But I was Christian and so was Ann but Vidhi liked Christmas so she celebrated it too. Like India is so cool. And so Secular. I love being in India. Like I would love to be here forever. But I can't.


"Its 4pm!! Party's at 7.30pm! We better start getting ready or we will get late." Vidhi squealed.

"Yeah. We better not." Ann stated.

"Well even if we get late don't forget that Queens are never late. Everyone else is simply early!" I said proudly as if I had written that quote but even the girls knew I haven't so they gave me looks. Then bursted out laughing. I hate them so much.

MIDNIGHT DREAMS {A Harry Styles fanfiction} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now