4. Birthday!

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Natalie's P.O.V :

"Ahhhh! Its the repeat of their first performance!" Girls come over fast. Vidhi shouted from a place near to the television.

I and Ann quickly ran over there. Ann ran over to see Zayn. And I definitely wanted to see How Niall sings with a group along. And also that curly head boy or should I say Harry styles?

"They're so talented. I'm so proud of them." Ann said while joining her hands.

"Yeah right." Vidhi replied.

I'm here like this girls have gone mad behaving like obsessed sicos but what can I do? Both of them are my best friends. I love them.

As we were seeing their performance I saw niall cutely singing but then my eyes caught the boy beside him he had curly brown hair so this is Harry Styles. When He started singing, I got goose bumps I don't know why but I felt to be attached to his raspy voice. After watching the episode. We watched a video diary of them. Harry is so sweet but a flirt! I didn't see Niall at all. I don't know why my eyes were glued to Harry. After completing All the works. Vidhi went for cycling and Ann went for her Art class. I had Music class but I missed it. Instead I searched Harry styles X Factor audition on Google. It displayed a YouTube video. I saw the video. My God this boy! It was like I got sparks and smile all over me. I don't know whether I had fallen for him but sure do I started having a crush on him. All day I spent thinking about him.


"Happy birthday Nena!" My friends squilled as the clock hit 12.

I cut the cake. We all danced. It was fun but we were told to sleep so everyone went back to their rooms. I couldn't stop thinking about Harry's curls. His raspy voice. He's boo. Everything. I didn't realise but it was morning. I got ready for school and reached there. School ended nicely as even secret b***** also knew it was my birthday so they didn't bother me. The birthday was pretty well. I got really good gifts from friends and family. Greg, Mom and Dad Facetimed me but Niall still wasn't seen anywhere. I was sad. I love him so freaking much. But as Greg said its only 2 more years. I hope to see him soon. Firstly I'm gonna slap him hard to ignore me.

*5 Months later*

Its 22nd December. X factor finishes today. Its so important for me and my best friends cause we have became big fans of the boys. Now we got a name Directioners. So yeah we are called directioners now. Today is the final One direction are in the finals. We so want them to win. My crush for Harry has grown a lot. I always wish to be with him in real life but I know its not possible.

"Nenaaa! Back to earth! What happened? I'm shaking you and calling out your name since last 5 mins. What were you thinking?" Vidhi asked me while getting pissed as X Factor would start in 5.

"Nothing! I was just thinking about One direction. Like I want them to win." I said while looking in her eyes.

"Yeah! Same." We think so same. Vidhi laughed.

"Hehe! Ikr." I said.

*On Tv*

And the winner of X Factor UK 2010 is *a name*


"Fck! They didn't win. How can they not? They're the best. Its all one sided." Vidhi shouted.

"They've gone mad. They can't make anyone else win." Ann shouted.

"We can't help it girls. We aren't the ones to decide." I said in a sad tone.

I was very sad. Like I wanted them to win so badly. Why didn't they. God!!!!

"We should be get going for shopping for Christmas party." I said.

"Yeah right!" Vidhi said.

"I completely forgot Nena. Tysm! Ily!" Ann said in excitement.

I knew it. The best way to to get their attention and not making them sad.
But I don't know if I wanted to shop. I feel so bad of course cause I'm their fan but more because Niall is my brother. I don't know what's going to happen. They said they will stay so I think they will. I started walking out of the room with Vidhi and Ann. We went to Infiniti mall near to our Hostel. The mall had stores of forever 21, Zara, Mango and our favourite so we were happy.

We all bought beautiful dresses. They were completely very pretty dresses for a Christmas party. We went to Starbucks grabbed our orders and started walking back to hostel.

"Vidhi, You were saying you were related to America?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yes. My Dad were American. He's name was Robin Green. But when I was four, Mom left him and took me along her as He was having an affair and had a son even older than me. Mom died cause of cancer. I don't know How dad died. I just got the News." Vidhi told us the whole thing.

I was completely unhappy about why this has not to happen to anyone but my best friend. We changed the topic. I and Ann made her laugh. We feel like a Warrior who just won a battle. Haha! I know that we are crazy I can't help.

"So you said you had 2 brothers. We met Greg. But who's the second one?" Vidhi asked me. Ann saw straight into my eyes.

I don't know what to say. I can't lie to them anymore. Sorry Greg.

"He's Niall Horan." Those words just slipped out of my mouth and they both got a quick shock....

A/N: Hey people! How are you'll doing? I hope you are doing good. Like the chapter? Tap the star button. Ps: their Christmas dresses will be uploaded soon. Love you all x



MIDNIGHT DREAMS {A Harry Styles fanfiction} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now