6. Welcome back!

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Natalie's P.O.V :

Like the years past my sadness towards my brother Niall, increased. I'm now Sixteen. I will be boarding for Ireland in 2 days. Vidhi will be coming along as She doesn't have anybody here. She will be living with us. Ann's dad opposed the idea of her living in Ireland so she won't be living with us. But her dad allowed her to stay with us for the summer vacation that starts day after tomorrow as tomorrow is a party. The summer vacation will end on June 15 so Ann will board back to India on 10th June. We were happy for the moment. Vidhi was happy as she would finally live with a family. Also because that family is of Niall's.
I was sad. It wasn't like I didn't want to go back and live with my family again but leaving this country was making me sad. This country has given enough love to me to be happy. I owe this country and its people a lot. Four years ago I came here to become a good girl for my mom. But I don't know If I have became a good girl but I can say I have grown in a nice way. I am about to leave to meet all the people I will miss. Also I have to grab something gifts for my family from the money I earned through part-time work.


"I want that pizza- jumper!" I yelled at the shopkeeper. There was a lot of crowd of ladies. So I had to yell.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. That is for males." Shopkeeper told me calmly.

Why does he think I am dumb? Like I dont know what is for a male or female. Huh! Whatever. I gave him a glare and said.

"I know. I still want that. Can you please pack it?" I was trying to be nice.

I grabbed the jumper for niall. He loves Pizza. So I think he would love it. Unless If he's choices must have changed. I took some more gifts for each member of my family.


"Hey Ms.Jhanvi! Can I talk with you?" I said raising my eye brows.

"Of course honey! Give me a moment." She said with a wide smile.

"Now! Say." She said while flashing a big smile on her face.

Ms.Jhanvi is a lady who runs a flower shop. But she gives great advices! I still remember the first time I met her. I was sad and she chered me up! Now all the 4 years she has helped me every moment. So I wanted to thank her to be there with me!

"I'm boarding for Ireland day after tomorrow." I said with a slight smile.

"At last honey! You will be able to meet your family and go back live with them!" She said happily.

I was happy too. But I don't know what is gonna happen there as these two years niall has gain a lot of popularity. He's in the world's biggest boyband. I'm so proud of him. But I'm mad at him too for doing this. But its not his mistake! Mom made him do that. Whatever it is. I shouldn't not worry now.

"Hey! Hey! There's nothing to worry about. Okay? Everybody loves you there. It will be all good. Trust me." She said smiling will getting a hold of my hand.

"Lets hope. Here. This is for you." I said while handing her a Dairymilk Silk. It was her favourite.

"Aww baby. Here. This is your farewell gift." She gave me a bunch of pink roses. One of my favourites.

Thank you so much! I said while giving her a tight hug. I'm going to miss her a lot. But I still have her number so I will be able to contact her all the time.


Its 12 am. And I'm so tired. I just lied on my bed and I don't know when I fell asleep. I woke up to my alarm ringing. Its my last day in high school First year! Its April 8th. Its the post-exam party. My exams ended on 2nd and I got the results on 5th. I have passed with good percentage. After this party everyone will be still here in the same high school waiting
For summer vacation to be over to start Second Year. But I and Vidhi will be doing our Second Year in Ireland. We will be missing all this people here. In Ireland school starts in September. Like everything is different there. Its April so I will be having 5 months until High school. Big vacation. Well this will be helpful to me to get settled there again. I'm wearing a darkish golden coloured short neck line dress *outfit on the sidebar* I grabbed my purse and walked outside with vidhi and Ann who already looked good. Ann looked sad though.

MIDNIGHT DREAMS {A Harry Styles fanfiction} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now