18. Sign of the times

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Natalie's POV :

That phone call was so good. He's safe. But this means he'll stay away for a long time. Should I tell anyone? But he didn't want anyone to get upset regarding him. But was he saying the truth? What if he did that to just comfort me? NATALIE HORAN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO NEGATIVE?
I need to stay positive about this situation but maybe try to confirm the situation. Right. I'll do that.

I should call Nishan . He is one of my smart cousins who loves computers and technology just like I do. He knows how to track phone calls and stuff. Ya this is finally relieving.

*Dailing up.. Calling..Calling..Answered*
"Hey Nishan! I need a favour can we meet up?"

I don't know why but my voice was cracking like hell.

"Um..Sure but why is your voice shivering, you ok there Nati?"

"I'm fine but can you bring in your laptop and meet me as fast as you can..Its a bit urge-"

"Of course sweetie. Anything for you, I'll come to your place?"

"Sure ya thanks see you"

I felt a bit more relaxed than before maybe I should be searching and not feel guilty about not trusting him.

*few minutes later*
*sound of door bell*

I quickly went over the door and opened. Nishan came in with a sweet smile on his face which faded after realising something serious has happened.

"So the technology princess herself has asked for help? What is it do you need from me your highness?"

He said that while bowing down to me. All my brothers are so amazing. They always try to cheer me up no matter what. I just feel extremely lucky in this field.

"I need you to get me the location of this number"
I said as I was handing him my phone to see the number.

"Honey you know that's illegal."

"Thats why I'm asking you for help , PLEASEEEE??"

After looking at my upset face he finally agreed and started the research.. while I went in to make some snacks for him.

"Nati found it. Found i-"

"Where is he? Where is he?"

I ran out of kitchen in excitement.


"Um..no one just a curiosity."

"Nati, I can't let you get in trouble like this.. tell me please?"

After saying that he took a hold of my hand and looked me in the eye.

"I can't tell you right now but I swear I'll stay safe and alert. Please help me?"

"I'm only doing this because I trust you blindly."
"The phone location says NYC, USA."


"New y-"


"Will you calm the heck down?"

"No. I need to book plane tickets. You just send me the whole address."

MIDNIGHT DREAMS {A Harry Styles fanfiction} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now