19. Love actually

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Harry's POV :
As everyone left the room Natalie looked at me with pissed eyes for a while but then tears started to roll down her face and she ran towards me to hug me. As she reached me I lifted her up and we hugged like two puzzle pieces finally fit together. I felt so bad staying away from her all this time as I was with her for a very little time and I still have to get to know her personally.

"You shouldn't have lied." She broke the hug and said with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I think I was a bit stupid to think that I was protecting my family and all you guys."

"Do you know how many people would have internally died if something had happened to you." She said while holding my hands very tight.

"Hey. Hey its okay. I'm fine and I swear I'll never lie again. Ever."

That brought out an amazing smile on her face. I like seeing her smile, its so precious i just love it.

"So we're cool, girlfriend?" I said with the best smirk i got.

"I guess so, boyfriend." She said while motioning to leave.


Natalie's POV :

Now that we had landed in Ireland. We tried reaching my place as fast as we could as all the guys and Harry's family were waiting there from so long.

We're finally here. I hope everything becomes better between me and Harry's family.

"HARRYYYYY!!! OH MY BABY! Thank the lord that you're safe. Are you ok? I heard that you were kidnapped. Did they do som-"

"Mom. I'm fine see" Harry tried to comfort his crying mother.

I like this emotional side of harry. Makes me feel kind of proud of him.

"Good job on finding him." Liam said while giving me a funny salute.

"Cause she's my little girl." I turned around to see who it was. It was Mom. My mother.


"No. Don't say anything please. Let me apologise. I've never been the mother you deserve I always thought that you're going to be just a trouble but look at you, you're just 16 and you saved Harry. I'm beyond proud baby. I'm sorry I never saw the brave and loving side of yours." My mother said while crying.

At first i felt like she was faking it cause all my life she has never said good things about me and all of sudden she came and started talking about it. But as much as I was doubting her , i wanted a loving relationship with my mother and it felt like now finally I can have that.

"Mom!" I ran towards her and hugged her with all my passion. Dad, Niall, Greg and Daniel joined us.

I couldn't believe it that we were finally a happy family. As we broke out the hug I told everyone that I wanted to say something. Everyone went silent and looked at me. I called out Vidhi and asked her to join me.

"Guys..uhm..I mean everyone we have an announcement, We are going to audition for X factor this Friday." I blurred it out as clean as I could. I looked towards vidhi and there she was smiling. Ann was smiling looking at us while making a camera with her fingers. It was all amazing.

"That's amazing." Niall shouted.

While everyone joined him and said that they'll all be there and cheer for us and what not. But I didn't want them to be there.

"No. Please. I don't want to audition as Niall's sister. I wanna be an ordinary person and audition. I trust my and Vidhi's abilities. Guys, you can watch us on tv.. well if they show it. But I really would like if only Ann and Greg would come as they're the closest to me right now and I would want them there."

I was kind of nervous as everyone was giving a sad response. But then as always Greg came to my rescue.

"Guys please lets think about them. Let this be their day not famous family day. Nati I fully support this." Greg said to me while giving me a huge smile.

I looked at mom and dad who gave me a faint smile. I still needed to talk to Harry's family so I walked over where they were.

"Uhm.. Hi, I hope you guys are doing good"

"Of course we are. I'm sorry that we were giving you a hard time. I'm sorry that i cou-"

"Gemma, its okay you were being an older sister its not your fault that you love your brother."

Anne then gave me a warm smile and a squeeze on my arms. I looked towards Harry who was already looking at me, smiling with the very famous dimples. It felt like I finally have a life.

"So you guys are next. Are you ready? Just don't be nervous and d-"

"Greg. We've got this." I said with a huge smile.

"All the best my babies." Ann said while motioning a hug. Me and vidhi we quickly went over and hugged her.

"You ready?" Vidhi asked me with a smirk.

"As ready as I ever will be."

"Then lets do it."

With that we walked towards the centre stage.

A/N : So I completed this book finally. Yes I know it took very long since my studies were stopping me from updating. Great journey. Although I got pretty busy with my stuff but I hope you guys enjoyed it!!!! See y'all later that's If I write another story 😂😂 .



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