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Jackie's pov

I can't believe I fell for that stupid jerk. He was my one true love, the thought of him being able to love me for real was all that kept me going through all the bullying, but now that I see who he really is, I don't think I'll be able to survive.

My tears dried as my hand found what I was looking for in the cabinet: a razor. I cried in apology. I knew Elia would be sad when I did this, but not even she could save me right now.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I quickly slashed the razor into both of my wrists, the blade slicing through several of my veins. As I bled out on Elia's bathroom floor, the only thought going through my head was, "I hope she doesn't mind the mess."

I am soooo sorry for this chapter TacoBella, but this will hapoen later in the story and it's crucial to the story, just don't do this in my bathroom because I will mind the mess. Chapter 1 will start from the beginning of the story, this is just a sneak peak of what's to come. Bye, and enjoy the story!!!

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