chopper x reader x strawhats: the best birthday

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The little reindeer was seen running around the ship with glistening eyes. It was his birthday, on the 24th. All excited and happy. But no one else was. Letting out a little sound of questioning, he looked around the ship. Only Usopp was seen making something. Everyone was busy in their own way, and he questioned to himself whether they would remember or not. A sad little expression appeared on the boy's face. 'No one really knows after all...'., he thought to himself.

The girl's bedroom was filled with chatters and whispers. Nami was writing a list of items to get from the upcoming island, while you and Robin were discussing the food items and gifts with Sanji and Franky.

Although half the time Sanji was swooning over the fact that he was in the g i r l' s bedroom.

There was no way you or anyone would forget their little boy's birthday.

"You think Luffy is okay down there...?". You asked, clearly remembering on what happened to your Captain.

"Unless we don't want him to spill the surprise, he can be tied down for a little while. Sanji-kun went all out with keeping a lot of meat for him".

Giggling at your captain's stupidity, you got out of bed to have a peek at Chopper. Looking out, you saw him sitting on the fence, head down, using his hooved to cover his face with his hat. Heart clenching a little, you wanted to run and pick the boy in your arms, but the best part is only coming.

"Have we decided on the gifts?". Robin asked.

"What does he like....".

"Books would be a bummer". Franky gave his answer.

"Cotton candy". You said. Everyone smiled at your answer, nodding.

"Surely you know".

Zoro opened the door towards the room, depicting the island was near.

"We have to cast the anchor. You guys done with planning?".

"Yeah, Sanji and Robin will go for collecting food items, while the rest of us can just roam around for decorations and other stuff". You said, picking up your jacket, as the island was near.

"It seems like Sanji-kun has a lot of ideas in his mind". 

"Of course. You know me so well, Nami-swan!!!!!!!!!".

"Pervert cook....". Zoro said, leaving the room, for you to snicker.


A "HUHHHHH?!" was heard from outside, to which Sanji ran outside, starting a fight. Seeing you sigh, Nami placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry. We will make this the best party ever". Nodding your head, you left the room with others. After being done with making the confetti popper, Ussop had planned to take Chopper with him as a distraction, while the rest of you would do your assigned jobs.

"Y/n! Y/n!!". Chopper came running towards you, with his little arms and hooves spread wide. Bending down, you tickled his tummy lightly with a smile.

"What is it, Chopper?". 

"What were you all doing?? I was so bored here. Usopp was not letting me see his work. He said it was dangerous".

"Oh us...? We were just talking about redesigning the ship's attack system. The cannons were all used up last time remember? Oh and making a list for food supplies...the usual". Biting your lip at his reaction, you felt really bad for the little baby in front of you.

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