ace x reader: jerk ( 2 )

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"Y/n, I want you to meet me after class". The teacher said, looking at you. A little confused, you eyed Vivi who just shrugged.

'I clearly didn't do anything wrong...unless it's one of those Ace fangirls who is still brimming with the need to decapitate me'.

"Y-yes sir". 

Bells rang, and the students left the class for lunch. Taking your books, you and Vivi decided to assemble on the terrace stairs after your meeting with the teacher. The corridors were busy and you fell to the floor on accident, books all around, and almost tripped on someone who had coffee in their hands.

Talk about klutziness.

"Excuse me sir...?". You said slowly, coming into the teacher's room. The room was empty except for your homeroom teacher.

"Y/n. Did you have your lunch yet?".

"No sir. I came here right after the bell".

"This will only take a minute".

The teacher opened a drawer, taking out a paper that looked like mark sheets.

'I got great scores for Calculus...what is this ab-Ace-?'

"This is Ace's mark sheet. This paper defines failure".

'Damn sir, you cold'.

You looked at the mark and almost choked. How can someone get that low of a mark?!


"Sad, I know. This is why I have called you here. Please do not deny my request".

You were slightly getting the hang of what he was going to say next.


The hell-


"Please tutor him. He needs his scores up high or he will remain in the same class for the next semester. It'll ruin our class's reputation".

"But sir I-".

"You are my best student. Don't say no. An hour Saturday is more than enough".

You clearly did not want this. You can't even look at his face, how can you sit with him for an hour and teACH HIM MATH!?


'Absolutely not fine!'

"I' it..".

'Hell no!'

"Thank you! Thank you, you are a lifesaver! Now go have your lunch. Don't forget to inform Ace". The teacher got up from his seat, leaving the room with you in your worst state. 

"What the...".

Saturday is just two days away and that much time is not enough for you to mentally fricking prepare for this burden you have taken. You could not resist your teacher's request. Sighing, you decided to look for Ace.

During the search, your head was coming up with what to tell him.

'He might think I have not given up if  I approach him. What if he thinks I took this job on purpose?!'

You spotted the boy again. This felt just like last time. Suddenly feeling a lot of pressure, you slowly walked up to him, fists clenched. Ace noticed you arriving, only to look at you with a raised brow.

"Looks like she hasn't given up". One of his friends said, teasing and eyeing you. You wanted to rip his hair off but kept composed.


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